CategoryBest of 2024: Science Fiction and Fantasy
It has taken me a while to get the last ‘best of’ post out, but here it is, the overview of the SFF books I enjoyed most in 2024. It is rather long, but with the world events being what they are, I wanted to give you are range of options for escapism. I have already done a very tight selection for my overall best books list, which has already been out for a while; if you only want the crème de la crème, read that.
Best of 2024: Non-Fiction
I should probably stop repeating that it has again been an exceptional year of non-fiction for me, as I do not see this changing any time soon. There is so much great non-fiction around and I am always drawn to reading it; I very rarely struggle with this genre. If there is one thing I would like to do more, it’s to read more older texts and classics. I have read so many introductions and overviews that I really should be tackling the original sources rather than reading another summary.
Things I Want: The 2025 Edition
New year, new me, new list of things I want! Frankly, these posts are rather embarrassing to make, as they lay bare my materialistic tendencies for everyone to see. Not that they are otherwise particularly hidden, considering I’m a lifestyle blogger, but still. On the other hand, they are a good exercise in examining what one wants, what one needs and what one can afford. To be clear, there are many things on these lists that I cannot or will not buy in the end. It is a a shopping list for a richer and more stylish version of me. As I know that many readers find these lists fun, I’m continuing the tradition.
Best of 2024: Fiction
I have a peculiar relationship with literary fiction. If I don’t read enough of it, I feel weird and start craving something worthy and serious. However, if I read too much of it, I get fed up and start finding everything too pretentions or boring or both. So while I generally feel that I should read a bit more in this genre (which some people don’t consider a genre, as it’s ‘real’ literature, but I’m sure you can guess my views), a balance has to be found that keeps me enthusiastic about reading overall.
Best of 2024: Books
I really can’t complain about the reading last year: 181 books, more than 44 000 pages, the lowest rating 2.5 stars (and that was, what, twice?). I don’t have the exact statistics, but I read around 30 books at least partially on audio, which is one of the main factors in me crossing the 150-book barrier for the second time. The other is that I also read quite a few shorter and lighter books, including poetry and alien romance (which are as different as genres can be, but can both be easily read in a day). Then again, These Truths was 960 pages, so it evens out…
Best of 2024: Beauty
Like my style, my beauty consumption has also settled down. Not really to normal levels, but somewhat closer to it. Perhaps it’s simply an age thing? The most important elements of my skincare routine are Vitamin C in the morning and retinol at night, which do not change much, and then I can play around with the rest. My makeup tends to be relatively minimal (if I bother at all) and softer than in the past, so there isn’t too much to report on that front either. That said, I do have a number of things I enjoyed using this year – some new, some older. Here they are:
Best of 2024: Style
My style has, unfortunately, become more boring. This is partly because I am more reasonable and practical these days: I want to be able to wear my clothes for years, which means safer bets and better quality, often resulting in more classic looks. I have also simply been drawn to quieter colour combination, whether due to the influence of Instagram’s love for neutrals or my own changing tastes, who knows. But my list on favourites can perhaps still be useful, even if shorter on – although not entirely devoid of – glamour than in some other years.
Best of 2023: Fiction & Poetry
Posting my previous year’s favourite books in March must be some kind of a record. But as I shared my absolute faves already, doing the follow-ups by genre seemed less urgent. And then suddenly I was about three months late. Anyway, I have found these summaries very helpful for myself, when people ask for book recommendations or when I need to recall my favourites for any other reason. So I am doing this despite the ridiculousness of the timing.
9 Ukrainian Fashion Brands to Know
Instead of writing this, I should be finalising my 2023 best-of lists for fiction and non-fiction, but have run out of energy – since December, I have been obsessively reading all the 2023 lists in the world, then putting together my own versions, then plotting my 2024 TBR and going over all the ‘most anticipated’ lists, so I just cannot face another book-themed list at the moment. I will get over it, but until then, let’s take a quick detour and talk about Ukrainian fashion.
Best of 2023: Science Fiction and Fantasy
2023 was a very enjoyable SFF reading year to me, with almost exactly half of the 166 books I read being either science fiction or fantasy or both. And most of them were good. That said, compared to previous years, I didn’t find any new favourites of the same caliber as The Broken Earth Trilogy or Arkady Martine’s Teixcalaan books. There are also some strange absences: I started two of the Sanderson secret projects, but didn’t finish them, despite liking both Tress of the Emerald Sea and Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. I also didn’t read the latest Murderbot, as I was advised to do a Network Effect reread before I tackle System Collapse*. All three are very much on the top of my list for this year.**