Category5 Big White Floral Perfumes (and 5 smaller ones)
The Big White Florals, or BWFs, have a reputation. This isn’t entirely surprising, as BWFs are very big and very … floral. If you’ve ever felt suffocated by someone’s perfume, chances are that a big and white floral was involved.
At the same time, this ge..
7 Health Cheats
After covering condensed milk, caramel and marzipan, the time has come for a health-related post. I admit that I have never been particularly health-concious: years ago at a group training when people were asked to list their values/priorities in life, I was..
5 Things in Tubes
I tend to get excited by things pretty easily. Sometimes, this enthusiasm makes perfect sense, as in the case of my love for feminist science fiction, biathlon and single malt whiskey. Who wouldn’t adore these things, right? Sometimes, however, it can be puz..
4+ Things I Definitely Don’t Need
I have always had a soft spot for the over-the-top and the impractical. Things that I don’t necessarily need (the concept of ‘need’ is of course very subjective in any case) are often the things I enjoy the most. Here’s a small sample:
Scents of the Day: Part 1
Last year, I did a project called Scent of the Day. For a month, every day, I talked about a scent on Facebook. I have been asked by friends to make these musings available on the blog, as it’s impossible to find anything on Facebook. So I’ll copy my mini-re..
9 Things to Clean Your Face
In my evangelical post about the importance of cleansing, I promised a round-up of my cleanser stash. I must admit that looking at the picture above is pretty scary: when the cleansers are all hanging somewhere around the house, doing their thing, there does..
5 Boring Fragrances
Wearability is not high on the list of my priorities, when it comes to fragrances – or anything else, really. I tend to gravitate towards tarry leathers, austere irises and big white florals that nice people describe as statement-making and other people call..
Imaginary Library Essentials
In the Northen hemisphere, November has a bad reputation. And let’s be honest here, it has a bad reputation for a reason. It’s a month of darkness, dampness and cold, without any obvious redeeming features. However, I think part of the problem is that we’ve ..