Category9 Books I Read in September
I’m very happy with my September reading, despite not quite having reached neither the quantitative nor qualitative highs of August. That would have been too much to expect in any case: I don’t often read 17 books in a month, out of which three are five-star..
6 Places Where to Drink in Tallinn
When I was in Tallinn this summer, I made it my mission to eat and drink in as many (new) places as possible. This turned out to be a very ambitious – if delightful – plan, as I only had 10 days and Tallinn has many lovely bars and restaurants. I thought I’d..
My 9 Favourite Cleansers of All Time
Out of all the topics I have any familiarity with, face cleansing products may be the one I know the best – with the possible exceptions of the EU economic policy coordination process, iris perfumes and feminist science fiction. I’ve tried dozens of cleanser..
September Memo: Atwood, Poppies and Bottled Glow
This is a strange autumn for me: usually, I regard September as the REAL New Year, but this time I’m a bit more subdued. Mostly, it’s because in the work context, we are all waiting for the new Commission to start in November and until then, everything will ..
16 + 1 Books I Read in August
So yeah, August was a good reading month for me – work was quiet and I spent some time alone in Brussels, which always facilitates reading. I did well on almost every front I consider important: I read books that have been on my list for a long time, I read ..
August Memo: Gucci, Meghan and a Foaming Cleanser
I haven’t done a memo for a while – it has not been a conscious decision, it’s simply been a struggle to remain consistent recently and I also don’t want blogging to become a chore, so I don’t beat myself up too much about it. I’ve had more time over the hol..
Thoughts on the 8 Novellas Nominated for Hugos and Nebulas
I have made a pact with myself this year to read all novels and novellas nominated for the Hugo awards. And Nebulas, if I can manage. With the novellas this wasn’t a huge challenge, as there is a big overlap between the two shortlists: reading the Hugos got ..
A Very Specific List of Summer 2019 Trends
Some fashion seasons are all about a certain mood, less about specific, trendy items. Others lack a coherent theme, but flood the stores with of-the-moment pieces that are impossible to avoid. They don’t always date well and may feel ridiculous in a year (no..
9 Books I Read in May
First, my apologies for the work-induced absence, it’s s been a tough fortnight. But let’s not dwell. I’m very happy to be back and have some time to write this weekend, so here we go with my belated May wrap-up. Considering the work situation, I managed to ..
13 Books I Read in March and April
I didn’t do a round-up for March, as I spent most of the month in despair because of the political developments in Estonia and consequently too distracted to read much. What I did manage to read was fortunately great, so I am adding the March books to the Ap..