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I Tried All the Le Labo City Exclusives in Case You Cannot: Part 1

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I Tried All the Le Labo City Exclusives in Case You Cannot: Part 1

I’ve always had conflicting feelings about Le Labo. I really like some of their scents and their aesthetic was truly refreshing when the brand launched. Their gimmicky ways can be irritating, though. I understand that insisting on ‘fresh’ mixing of the perfumes and the confusing naming practices are a marketing strategy (and a pretty successful one, I guess), but I find it annoying. The whole song and dance about their city exclusives is the most ridiculous part of it all in my view.

Current Skincare Routine

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Current Skincare Routine

I have procrastinated with posting, because during the last weeks, I had a vague feeling that I should write something feminist. I follow mostly the UK and Estonian media and both have recently been filled with stuff that reminds one why fighting for women’s and girls’ rights and contributing to patriarchy-smashing is important (for those who are not Estonian: #metoo has finally landed in earnest there with some seriously disturbing cases featuring underage girls – and boys, too).

Neela Vermeire’s Trayee: A Spicy Masterpiece

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Neela Vermeire’s Trayee: A Spicy Masterpiece

I’m not easily intimidated when it comes to reviewing perfume – it is not Newtonian physics, where there’s only one correct answer. You smell what you smell, everyone’s perceptions are different and equally valid (if not necessarily equally detailed, knowledgeable or interesting). Reviewing Trayee gave me pause, however. It is such a complex and multifaceted perfume that I’m not sure I’m able to even capture the general mood, not to mention the nuances.