CategoryMy Morning Skincare Routine Now That I’m 45
As I mostly write about books these days, I tend to forget that statistically speaking, it’s my skincare posts that have the most readers. I looked at my stats recently, after perhaps a year of not paying any attention, and it’s frankly insane that there are more than 100 000 people who have read me going on and on about The Ordinary. Most of the top 10 posts are about skincare, with a couple of perfume ones thrown in. So I thought it may be time for a skincare update, as it’s been almost a decade since I wrote some of these articles.
How to Pack for a Work Trip
I have travelled a lot for work through the years, everywhere from the US to Korea and India, from Qatar to South Africa. Now that I work in Luxembourg, I go between Luxembourg and Brussels on a weekly basis. As a result, I have become quite good at packing and out of all the options, packing for a short work trip is possibly my favourite genre.
I Tried 9 Asian Sunscreens So You Don’t Have To
The skincare products I feel the least conflicted about recommending are cleansers and SPFs – even if you don’t really care about your appearance, these two items are still important and many people don’t use them or use bad ones. I’m a relatively recent convert to regular sunscreen use myself, but I have been pretty good about it in the last five years. And that’s largely because I discovered first Japanese and then Korean and Australian* SPFs.
A Korean Skincare Update
Sometimes I buy beauty stuff even if I don’t need it, or just out of curiosity or because I want to cheer myself up. I know I shouldn’t do that – it’s evidence that I’m trying to fill an internal void with meaningless objects, which in turn is all the result of a capitalist conspiracy to keep me unhappy and coming back from more. This is, broadly speaking, true. If I were a fully content, balanced, worthy individual, I could probably live without a ‘wardrobe of cleansers’. But sometimes I think that buying that new cleanser is a better option than despairing and berating myself over the fact that I haven’t yet reached complete enlightenment and still crave stuff. I mean – it’s just skincare. It could be drugs!
The Classics: A Cream Tweed Skirt
When I was shooting this series (there are two more posts to come), I explained it to the photographer as ‘inspired by Melania Trump’. I was joking, but only a little. The slightly embarrassing truth is that I have a soft spot for some rather conservative clothing categories. I’m not conservative in any part of my life, style usually included, but I do like to have some pieces that project a relatively timeless and polished image.
Four Great Moisturisers for Different Budgets and Skins
I admit I’m becoming increasingly wary of talking about elaborate and expensive skincare. I know, you are all perfectly capable of making up your own minds regarding if and what kind of skincare you want to use. But it’s also true that any article on this topic, no matter how well-intentioned, contributes to the overall pressure that we put on women to ‘look good’ – and spend a significant amount of money in the process.
Foolproof Everyday Base: Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser
In the autumn, I had a plan to do a post on new foundations and other base products on the market, as there were a number of very interesting launches from Pat McGrath and Charlotte Tilbury to Surratt and Anastasia Beverly Hills. After some soul searching, I..
6 Things That Help Dealing with Stress
I generally function well in stressful situations. Especially in work context, I thrive under pressure and often perform better and faster when the stakes are high or I need to deliver several important things simultaneously. I even deal relatively well with..
Dr Sam: Skincare for Sensible People
When it comes to skincare, I’m definitely not a reasonable person. I like things to be effective, I honestly do, but I also like them to smell lovely and to come in nice packaging and maybe include some ingredients that sound good, but don’t really do much, ..
Great Affordable Moisturisers: The Inkey List
Somewhat unexpectedly, I’m having much better luck lately with reasonably priced moisturisers than I’m having with fancy ones. I really liked what Alex Steinherr did for Primark (and Sali Huges agreed!), found CeraVe lotion to be a solid basic and now, the n..