CategoryObsessive Hydration: The Korean 7 Skin Method
I didn’t plan to blog about skincare today, but happened to watch Gothamista’s (she is one of my favourite beauty Youtubers) video about the 7 Skin Method yesterday and that got me inspired. In case you haven’t heard about this new Korean beauty craze – and ..
My Favourite Utilitarian Body Products
You know how they say that women are full of mystery? It is true. I definitely am – because how would one rationally explain the fact that I’m fanatical about my facial skincare but cannot be bothered to put anything on my body?
It might be simply becaus..
Love Stories Lingerie: A Bra Solution
Considering that I’m obsessed with an extremely wide variety of things – books, skincare, impractical dresses, strange perfumes, stews, Persia, stickers, biathlon and Tallinn sea views, to name a few – it’s a small miracle that I don’t really care about ling..
The Humble Vegetable Project: Spicy Beetroot Yogurt
I love elaborate dishes – as you may have guessed from this post, for example – but elaborate dishes are a bit like statement gowns: you love them, you admire them, you may even wear them quite often, but for most of us, they aren’t an option for everyday. M..
The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter
People often say that when it comes to skincare, you can save on cleansers, as they are on your skin for such a short time that spending a lot of money on amazing ingredients doesn’t make sense. In theory, I agree. In practice, I still want my cleansers to b..
Life Essentials: A Cashmere Tracksuit
Recently, I feel like I’m not doing justice to the name of this blog. While there is some life, there is very little cold climate – most of the stuff I’ve been posting could have been written somewhere in Sahara. To a certain extent, it’s because the winter ..
How I Learned to Love the Cushion (And My 5 Favourites)
It hardly needs saying any more that cushion products are a huge beauty trend. But for the record: yes, they are. It has taken almost a decade, but cushions have well and truly arrived in the West from Asia (Internet tells me that the first cushion foundatio..
The Best Rollneck for Layering
You know that feeling when a trend becomes ubiquitous and every magazine and Instagram influencer is trying to convince you to buy into it and you are totally on board and happy to oblige and like “yes, yes, I agree, no need to sell it to me any more” but yo..
(French) Onion Soup with Apple Cider
I have wanted to make this soup since mid-August, but have resisted, as the weather hasn’t been right. Is this normal behaviour? Possibly not, but I feel very strongly that onion soup is an early autumn dish, especially when it involves some apple booze. It ..
The Ordinary: For Skincare Geeks on a Budget
Some of you may remember how I pledged – more than a year ago – that Life in a Cold Climate is not going to be one of those ‘look, here’s a new product!’ type of blogs. And I still make an effort to see the bigger picture, to test things thoroughly before re..