Autumn Office Outfits vol 3: An Oversized Blazer

Autumn Office Outfits vol 3: An Oversized Blazer

For most of my adult life, oversized blazers have been a thing. Sure, there have been seasons when they weren’t, like, actively trendy, but they haven’t looked wrong for about 15 years. This season they are very actively trendy, indeed – especially when grey, double breasted, long, and preferably in an heritage pattern.

My Zara jacket is in fact from last autumn and single-breasted, but the overall effect is very much in keeping with what Stella McCartney and Calvin Klein – and every single store on the high street – have been doing. If you don’t go too far with the oversized fit, it’s an item that bridges the office-fashion gap rather nicely, so it made sense to build an outfit around it for this series.

To be precise, I actually built two. I realised when packing for the photo shoot that I had no looks with trousers and quickly grabbed a pair of jeans to rectify that and show two ways of wearing a blazer. I like both takes: the skirt version is a little bit more dressed up, the jeans version possibly too casual for many offices. It’s all relative, of course – for some, the first one might be way too fancy, for others, a t-shirt is too casual no matter how you style it up. For me, these are perfectly feasible casual Friday options. Or casual Any Day options, really, when I don’t have anything very formal on the agenda.

All the items here are individually among my favourites: I adore my Gucci loafers (I know you know, but still), the Zadig & Voltaire t-shirt is lovely and the Prada pumps beautiful. I’ve worn these white IRO Paris jeans to death this summer and that faux leather Zara skirt is still a favourite after several years of constant wear.

With the possible exception of the latter, everything here could be classified as a modern classic: loafers, pumps, slogan t-shirts and (white) cropped jeans have – like the slouchy blazer – been around for several seasons and will likely have legs for many more. And despite my love for stronger statements, I have to admit everything here is extremely easy to wear and combine.

What are your autumn office basics? What are the things that always work for you without much effort from your side?

Photos by Liina Jasmin, MUAH by Ave Antson.


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  1. 1

    Loafers! I’ve been wearing brogues for years as my flat shoe of choice, but suddenly they look like a fussy costume drama, whereas loafers look sleek. And exciting. I never thought that would happen. Or that I would want more than one pair (currently have 3, want a 4th. In my defence, I can’t wear heels at present). My autumn basic is a mustard-yellow light wool coat which I’ve had for six years: it comes out at the end of September and I wear it nearly every day until it gets too cold. My autumn palette is the same each year – leaves, basically. Never fails!

    • 2

      This is why I like fashion, I’m always interested in those changes that go beyond trends – as loafers have. They just look right, have looked right for several seasons now and I’m sure have several seasons in them yet.

      Your mustard coat is going to be totally on point this year, it’s the colour of the season! In addition to other colour of the seasons 🙂

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