Back From Japan
I have just returned from Japan and feel extremely unqualified to talk about it. What could I possibly say after a 10-day trip to a unique, complex place with an extremely sophisticated culture thousands of years old? That Tokyo and Kyoto are indeed very different or that the toilets truly are superior to ours? Any tips I might have are bound to be trivial and any commentary I could possibly offer would by default be shallow and uninformed.
Yes, I could talk about whether I liked it or not, but that too seems largely beside the point. Honestly, I find it difficult to see how anyone interested in ANYTHING would not enjoy Japan. No matter if your thing is food, beauty, history, urban living, martial arts, technology, cartoons, weird subcultures, architecture, nature – Japan will have something fascinating for you, potentially the best in the world. I hear even the surfing and the skiing are fantastic, although maybe not great value for European travellers.
There will, however, be posts about some more tangible outcomes of my visit.* I bought an obscene amount of beauty products and plan to do overview/first impressions posts on it all. It feels like there is so much info on Asian beauty products out there, but when I was doing research for my shopping list, I found it wasn’t necessarily true for Japanese make-up and skincare (more so for Korean). Based on my own experience, I thought some shopping suggestions might be useful for people who don’t have time to trawl through gazillion Youtube videos. I’m afraid I need to break it down into several installments, otherwise it’ll take days to write. And read.
Ahead of the visit, I made a list (and a stack) of books I wanted to read before going: I still need to read about half of them, but once I’ve finished a decent amount, I’ll share my thoughts. If you’re interested, I can also talk about my maiko (apprentice geiko/geisha) makeover experience in Kyoto. Or the day at an onsen? Or the temples? Or the city life? Let me know in the comments if you have any particular wishes. And if you’d like to see some very trivial travel tips after all, I’ll do my best.
*I have written about Tokyo Disneyland already, a topic I felt I could more-or-less handle.
“That Tokyo and Kyoto are indeed very different or that the toilets truly are superior to ours? Any tips I might have are bound to be trivial and any commentary I could possibly offer would by default be shallow and uninformed.”
Jup! When I tried to write the “guide” for you, I was really struggling with keeping a focus, which I eventually kind of failed on. Every time I see somebody commenting how “visiting Japan is their biggest dream” or something like that, I think to myself that I have been so lucky to have been able to go there, but that did not take that wish to go there again away, not a bit! On the contrary I might say. *19 days and counting*
Where are you going/what are you doing this time? And I definitely want to go back, so many things that just did not fit into the calendar and so many things I realised I would like to do while there. For a family trip, however, I actually think it was pretty much optimal length.
The aim of our trip is the same as last year – visit the world’s coolest kustom car show in Yokohama, which basically takes up 2 days in full. The rest we’ll figure out as we go. We wanted to rent a car and drive around, but discovered that unless you make a japanese driver’s license, estonians cannot drive in Japan, which is a bummer. We plan to visit the national museum of emerging science and innovation (Mirakain) for robots. Robots! Also want to see more parks this time around. Also discussed visiting the SeaWorld in Kamogawa, but I have developed a bit of an issue with keeping orcas, dolphins and whales in captivity and I don’t want to support this kind of activity with my hard earned dosh.
That’s pretty amazeballs, as they say. Although I’m not sure anyone really says that.
makeover and city life please! and nature and and….well everything!
I’m going to do a separate post on the makeover and then I need to think how to structure the rest.
Looking forward to the beauty-posts. I would like to hear more about those superior toilettes,the geisha-makeover,the books and tell me allabout what You ate!!
I know everyone goes on about the seafood, but I have two words for you: Kobe beef.
Very interested in the onsen experience. Hope Brussels isn’t too much of a rough landing and looking forward to any Japan post!
Noted! I’m actually feeling great at the moment, as I’m not usually a morning person, but temporarily I now am
It sounds like a truly special trip- stimulating, overwhelming, fun and given you lots and lots of food for thought. I would love to hear about the nature and the food and culture if that’s not a tall order! Incidentally I am reading a book in which the author moves to Japan with her boyfriend for a while and initially hates it and ends up adoring it as she gets to grips with actually living there- a generally fun read ‘Flaneur’ by Lauren Elkin.
It’ll definitely take me a while to digest that trip, but I’m so glad I was able to go. I need to think how to group the thoughts I have into something (hopefully) enjoyable for others.
That book is on my list, by the way (almost bought it a few weeks ago) – good to know that you are liking it.
I’m very curious what beauty product you bought and looking forward to all your posts (from hard-core urban to zen experience
I really bought an insane amount
I’ll share everything, although it’s a bit embarassing…