Happy New Year!
Dear readers, I’ve realised that I haven’t wished you a happy New Year, so I’m doing it now. Consider it done.
In the spirit of reflection and yearly summaries, I’ve taken a look at my site stats and apparently the blog had almost 40 000 users and 300 000 page views in 2016. I’m very grateful for all this, I seriously am. Obviously, the number of regular readers is much, much smaller, but I think it’s absolutely amazing that some people come here every week. My favourite statistic of them all, however, is the bounce rate – mine is almost non-existent, meaning that nearly everyone who finds the blog keeps reading and browsing, rather than fleeing in horror/boredom. It really does cheer me.
The most popular post of 2016 was on The Ordinary skincare: 8000 readers, that’s even more than my Amanda Palmer book review (that got thousands of views thanks to Amanda sharing it on Facebook). I’m thinking about doing a follow-up to The Ordinary post, as the interest seems to be quite extraordinary and there have been several new launches. I know I also owe you a Young Adult book update and a post on body products. If there’s anything else you’d like me to cover, let me know in the comments. [Edit: After reading the comments, I wanted to add that I’m definitely going to carry on with being myself, but I’m happy to accomodate requests in case I have the knowledge and resources to do so.]
Thank you for everything and musi & kalli from Brussels!
Happy New Year!
I love your fashion, skincare, and perfume (obviously) posts as well as reading your opinion on makeup. It’s nice that you aren’t reviewing the next big trendy thing along with everyone else. Lots of bloggers get pretty silly about something being “the best ever” and then never mention it again. I prefer to know what people actually use.
I also don’t think you are too wordy. A proper description and your thoughts is much more meaningful to me than a sentence and six photos. I say, keep up the good work and write about what you want.
Thank you for a lovely comment. I am sometimes puzzled by bloggers who are so enthusiastic about so many products. It could be the difference in temperament or maybe also the fact that I’m older than many of them, I need products to work harder (and have pretty high standards, too). And yes, I’m also always most interested in things people use in real life, not stuff that gives a beautiful effect on camera – although that is nice to know/look at too.
Congratulations on growing your following. You have deserved every one of those readers.
It grows slowly, with occasional spikes, but grow it does. I’ve never set any readership numbers as my goal, but I think I’d be sad if it was totally static, so I’m pretty happy with how things are going. And thank you.
I always your posts very much, for the excellent writing and (this is not as oxymoronic as it will sound) the thoughtful insouciance. I find I don’t favour one topic above another: I enjoy your occasional commentaries on politics and social life as much as your reflections on fashion trends and makeup. I even enjoy reading about the excellent products you use that I can’t obtain down here in Australasia unless I pay the equivalent of a small mortgage to have them posted. Your blog always reminds me of a particularly delicious date cake my sister makes. If you happen to fancy a slice of date cake, then just a tiny sliver of it is enough, because each mouthful is immediately and completely what it set out to be and nothing about its essential datefulness is elusive. Your posts have the same quality of satisfying because they are intensely flavourful and do exactly what you said they would.
So. Keep doing what you like to do, is my summation. You blog is interesting and the greatest good fun.
Thank you, Frances. I now crave date cake! I’m considering if and how I could incorporate more non-lifestyle topics: I enjoy writing abut politics and society, but my job makes it difficult to do so publicly. Anyway, I’ll keep going as long as there are readers, maybe a little bit longer
Despite the time, energy and – sometimes – money the blog demands, it gives me more than it takes.
Happy New Year!!Hope you have a wonderful year of blogging ahead!Enjoying the posts on perfume and clothes the most,obviously!You are saved under “favorites” on the ipad,just so you know!Lol!X
You are so sweet! Thank you, darling.
Happy New Year dear Annikky! I’m back online after a glorious two weeks very much off, and I am delighted at how much reading I have to catch up on here. To reinforce most vigorously the comments above: your readers will follow your fabulous self wherever you go. But also: don’t be afraid to take time away from your blog too – we’ll be here when you return. Hugs!
Thank you, dear Eliza, and so good to see you! And while you are absolutely correct regarding taking breaks, I actually enjoyed blogging during the holidays this time: we stayed in Brussels, so it was all very relaxeed and stress-free and I actually had TIME to do things. This will not be the case for most of the 2017?