Skincare During a Pandemic: Discuss
A few people have asked me for a skincare update, which I’m happy to provide. It’s interesting that while attitudes towards clothes and fashion have almost uniformly moved in the direction of “less” and “not a priority”, beauty is a more complex issue. There has obviously been some rethinking and reassessment, especially on the makeup front. But while I know a number of people who have simplified their skincare routines, I probably know more of those who have found solace in pampering or have used the teleworking situation to engage in some hard-core retinoling.
Somewhat surprisingly, I am not in the latter camp. I suspect that it has rather little to do with the pandemic, however. I think I reached peak skincare about two years ago and now I’m entering the phase where I have been with perfumes and makeup for a while: still interested, still occasionally very excited, but no longer obsessively testing or lusting after every new thing. It’s a rather nice stage to be in, actually: I feel I am knowledgeable enough to make sound choices and the broad outlines of my routine don’t really change much, so I’m spending less energy and money*, while still enjoying the process. As I don’t necessarily feel compelled to do a 9-step routine every day, I’m rather happy to downsize if I find products that are effective enough.
The most basic formula of my regimen has been the same for a while: retinol at night, vitamin C in the morning, bracketed by cleansing and moisture (and SPF if going out). There are two virus-induced changes that are significant, however. The first – and one I really didn’t expect – is that salicylic acid is now probably my most-used acid. I never had massive problems with breakouts, but I do have them and the resulting pigmentation really bugs me (more than the spots themselves). All the mask-wearing obviously doesn’t help, so Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant has slowly but surely become an absolute staple. If I use it regularly, about every other day, it will keep me almost spot-free.
The likelihood of going spot-free and other-kinds-of-problems-free increases even further when I use niacinamide. I admit this ingredient never seemed to do anything for me until I tried the 10% Paula’s Choice Niacinamide Booster (it’s not a PC ad, I promise). It’s something I notice mostly when I stop using it, so I try not to stop. I am currently out of the booster and using Alpha-A Vitamin B serum (niacinamide = vitamin B3), but I prefer the former and will get back to it. I generally use niacinamide at night, as it works well with retinol and less well with L-ascorbic acid, which is often present in vitamin C serums. My gentler acids, salicylic included, have no quarrel with LAA and are therefore reserved for mornings.
Another staple I have come to rely on is Tan-Luxe Super Glow serum. When I have it around, it’s pretty much the only hydrating serum I use, because it does an excellent job hydrating and also gives you a very subtle tan. 10/10 would recommend. Not yet staples, but two one-stop-shop products that I have enjoyed lately are U Beauty Resurfacing Compound (a rather gorgeous multitasker that hydrates, exfoliates and brightens) and Allies of Skin Promise Keeper Blemish Sleeping Facial (kind of the same, but for when the skin is being problematic). The only issue with both products is the price, which may prevent them from ever becoming staples.
I have, as always, tested an unreasonable amount of cleansers and will do a separate round-up of those products: I have a new fave that I need to tell you about and some shade to throw as well! On the SPP front, I’m liking Supergoop’s Unseen Sunscreen, it really is entirely transparent and therefore undetectable on any skin tone. Otherwise, my favourites have not drastically changed, but if you are interested in a proper skincare routine overview, let me know.
Have your skincare habits and products changed in the recent months? And if yes, how?
*I am well aware that it’s still way too much money and energy by most people’s standards.
I would love to read a full roundup on skincare! Always interesting to read about new products, even if some of them are totally over budget
Since the pandemic, I have used even less make-up than before, though I do have a new affinity to lipstick. Maybe the instant colour boost is a much needed pick-me-up.
I also have focused more on skincare recently, probably to feel pampered like you said. I have a new favourite skincare brand that I am quite excited about – Lumi. I especially like the night serum with the restorative cream. A great combo for my sensitive skin.
Hi. Great blog! I’m going to Tallinn next week, can I ask you what the best shops for niche perfumes are? Have a nice day,
I am one who asked for an update so thanks! Looking for a vit c for sensitive skin. It makes such a difference in the skin!!! but if I use it every day or very often my skin reacts with acne. Or maybe I just need to find THE one… For breakouts La roche possay Effaclar is an old friend. I find it more effective that the everywhere Paula’s Choice BHA, particularly good to help with pigmentation. Self-tan was life changing years ago. I am looking for good hydrating products, toners and creams.
Oh! Caudalie’s cleansing oil is really good, efficient and it cleanses much more easily than the DHC. You can almost use it for fist AND second cleanse. It smell like almonds… On the other hand I bought Caudalie’s moisture toner and hated it. Well, I stop here. Thanks!
Gothamista has just done a lovely video on l-ascorbic acid alternatives, it’s worth taking a look. LAA can be quite harsh: the good news is that there are several effective derivatives now, plus different actives with similar properties.
As you know, I LOVE the Caudalie oil, even though I have gravitated away from oils recently. I agree Effaclar is great, but for me personally, PC works better. On hydration/self-tan, I highly recommend Tan-Luxe Super Glow.