Aldo Järvsoo’s Beige Perfection
My Big Boss asked me recently whether I’m blogging mostly about Estonian fashion. I said that not exclusively, but yes, quite often (in additin to topics not related to fashion at all, of course). Why, he asked. Well, partly because there are many people blogging about the big brands already, and much fewer covering Estonian fashion. But also because I love eveningwear and Estonian designers happen to be really good at that – especially considering you’ll get a unique piece for much less than is common for designer ready-to-wear.
Tallinn Fashion Week has just started and I’m really quite sad that I cannot attend this time (although leaving Brussels for Southern Spain, as I’m about to do, isn’t such a bad deal either). Even if nothing else exciting happens in the coming days, I would have loved to see Aldo Järvsoo’s stunning collection in person, but must now be satisfied with photos.
Aldo is, undoubtedly, Estonian Fashion Royalty. But that’s faint praise, really – I don’t know many others, no matter where they live and create, who can do pure elegance in a way that doesn’t look old-fashioned. In Aldo’s work, history is always present, but never a burden. Things are simple, but not simplistic. And the collections are coherent, with a clear concept – not something that matters much to the wearer, but as a long-standing fashion observer, I always enjoy that aspect.
Most of my Estonian readers have probably already seen the collection, the luckier ones with their own eyes (jealous!). But as about half of the people who come here are from elsewhere, I’m sharing this for everybody’s benefit. I don’t even feel like describing or analyzing the collection – what is there to say? It’s neoprene, it’s wonderful. I just hope that by the time I get to visit my home country, there will be something left to purchase.
Pictures stolen from Aldo’s Facebook page
I love simple and the color looks so lovely….I have ambivalence about wearing beige as I think it can make me look washed out (I am pale).
have a wonderful trip to Spain! I am jealous! and a wonderful weekend!
You are right, beige can be tricky. On the other hand, it has so many shades and if you find the right one, it can work so well – a bit like foundation.
I’m in Granada already, will report back on the blog, too!
Funny but I purchased my first cashmere sweater and almost bought it in beige but my daughter insisted I buy the plum instead (she said it would bring out the green in my eyes). One of these days I will own something in beige….I thought a beige cashmere sweater would be a classic look for my wardrobe but I have to say now that I have the plum I rather like it. And it fits great because LL Bean carries “Petite XS” . With 15% off and numerous coupons I got it for a steal!
Despite my love of beige, I think plum sounds much more exciting. I adore the autumny palette of plum, wine, aubergine and berry colours, I bet the sweater looks lovely. And incidentally, these shades work well with beige, too
Like you my daughter has great fashion sense so I follow her advice…and as an aside, you were the one who inspired me to purchase my very first cashmere sweater
Hope you are enjoying your trip!