India Mahdavi’s Pastel Power
I had no idea that I’d been in love with India Mahdavi’s work since 2014. As soon as Gallery at Sketch London reopened after renovation that year, I knew this was a place I wanted to visit: full of rose pink velvet and chairs that looked like they were made of fluffy biscuits, it seemed a perfect place for cocktails. For some reason, it never occurred me to check, however, who made the chairs and I continued to live in ignorance.
Until last week, when I happened to browse the bottomless abyss that is Instagram and came across this picture. Suddenly, I realised that this pink fantasy had come out of someone’s head and I needed to know who that someone was. Turns out, India Mahdavi is an architect and designer of Iranian-Egyptian origin, currently living in Paris where she has a showroom. She has travelled and worked all over the world, however, including New York, Siwa and Sydney.
While her style has a very strong sense of shape, something one could expect based on her architectural background, she also has the most striking feel for colour and texture. Emerald and chartreuse, purple and lilac, lemon, teal and gold, the colours are wonderful on their own and amazing when combined. One could probably accuse her of being camp, but she has an elegance of touch that reminds me a bit of art deco. And being camp isn’t much of an accusation in my book anyway.
In addition to Sketch, she has recently created a shop/cafe for Laduree – a pretty shrewd hire by Laduree, one has to admit. It looks fantastic and not as pink as you’d expect. I also love her Bishop… chairs? Tables? Decorative elements? Once I own a flock of flamingos, I’ll buy all of them a Bishop to stand on. I’m thinking turquoise. Ot maybe olive. Or yellow. What say you?
Pictures from www.india-mahdavi.com.
I don’t find it camp at all. Of course, I’m always a sucker for color and texture so maybe I’ve just overlooked it. I love those pink chairs, but what I really want is that zig-zag tile floor and the carpet and yellow poufs in the first picture. Who am I kidding? I also want the pink chairs, a Bishop (I vote for the olive green as most versatile and perfect with flamingo pink) and that curved sofa like a pea pod…
I’m glad you approve! I think the mix of colours and texures on the first pic is amazing, as is that floor. I’ve seen it in real life and it’s great. I also like how the black-and-white floor on the last picture contrasts with the pastels. And yes, olive with flamingo pink is a fantastic colour combination, at least to my perverted mind
I vote for bishops in gold or teal.
I’m taking careful note of your opinion.
This is so marvellously stylish and my first thought on seeing the top picture was ‘what perfect cocktail chairs’. I would also love to put them in a more stark context maybe with some Philippe Starck chairs as well, to play on the retro stylish contrast more. Yellow is probably my favourite colour and I would love them in bright sunny mimosa yellow. This is going to inspire me to play with yellow cocktails – thank you for cheering up a grey day.
Incidentally I am also really intrigued by her background as for some reason I would have expected less pastel, but of course pistachios are such a trademark of Iranian cuisine and colours that it makes perfect sense with a bit more thought.
Oh, these chairs in mimosa yellow velvet would be amazing. I’m afraid the prices are crazy, but I’ll try to check out the showroom one of these days/ On a somewhat related note, I’ve just ordered crystallised mimosa from Sous Chef. Excited!