March Memo: Spring, Oscars and Reading Women
It is very nearly spring in Brussels, still some way to go in Tallinn. When I was little, I used to be very disdainful of yellow daffodils, as they were the most common spring flowers in my grandmother’s garden. I thought paperwhites much superior and tulips (especially if not red) the noblest of all. These days, however, I think nothing brightens up a room in March as a bunch of daffodils. Also pictured, a random 10-second selection of books by women on my TBR list*, of which more on this month’s list below.
1. Readmorewomen. If there is one area in life where I do not fail, it’s reading books by female authors. It hasn’t always been like this, my childhood and teenage years were quite male-dominated in this respect, but that’s because I was limited by what was available in Estonia and conditioned by a pretty conservative canon taught at school. Since then, an adjustment has happened organically and by now, I think almost 75% I read is by women, without any conscious effort on my part (in contrast, I still need to remind myself to read more POC and non-Anglo-American authors). I am therefore not taking part in any of the campaigns in March to get people to read more female authors, but if you feel you could do better in this respect, now is a good time to start. There are many lists and recommendations around, just go ahead and google or browse the bookstagram. To get you started, here’s a short and fail-safe list by The Guardian from a couple of years back.
2. Movies. Because I’m reading most of the time, my familiarity with recent cinematic output is completely pathetic. The only things I’ve seen are Black Panther and Journey 2 that I watched yesterday with my daughter. I will try to remedy that, as I would in fact really like to see most films in the best picture Oscar category. Also, Avengers: Infinity War is coming and it looks epic.
3. Chimes at Midnight. Continuing the movie theme, @chimesatmidnight is an Instagram account I love that specialises in (mostly old) movies and provides both ample film and style inspiration. So in addition to the Oscar nominees, I now want to see all the classics. As a bonus, Emily has excellent taste in perfume.
4. Duke in His Domain. To close the topic, there is also a film-related book I’d like to recommend. I have mentioned the Penguin Modern series before and they are out now. I bought a bunch of them and have read one, Truman Capote’s profile on Marlon Brando, when the latter is filming in Japan. It is a demonstration of masterful journalism and Brando turns out to be much more interesting than I thought. Very much recommended.
5. Hollywood Flawless Filter. I’ve realised the topic isn’t closed, as I also have a Hollywood-inspired makeup recommendation. Well, technically it’s not a recommendation, as I haven’t tried it myself and will attempt not to buy much beauty stuff for a little while longer. But Sali Hughes loves it, so Charlotte Tilbury’s Flawless Filter cannot be bad. I’m thinking about wearing it without foundation, come proper spring, with some help from a concealer.
6. Skincare newness. Unfortunately, the things I’m most excited about are not available in Europe. Drunk Elephant has launched a peptide cream and a new, more active eye cream. I really hope the news about them becoming available in UK Space NK is correct and will materialise shortly. Other things I’m thinking about are the newest Tata Harper Clarifying Cleanser and Dr Barbara Sturm discovery set.
7. Spring style. In other news, spring collections are in stores and it’s high time to plan the next season wardrobe. Frankly, I don’t think there are too many exciting trends around, although I might report back on this in coming weeks. For now, I’m sharing two inspiring non-trend-lead style reads: about Robert Mueller and Lana Turner.
7. Malone let-down. I smelled the most recent Jo Malone limited edition English Fields collection over the weekend and was totally ready to love it – the bottles! The concept! Unfortunately, the scents themselves are uninspired. They are nice enough, but nice enough is not enough for me these days, if you know what I mean.
8. Sezane home stuff. This is a rather random one, but I discovered yesterday that Sezane, the super-popular French clothing brand, is now offering a lifestyle line: bed linen, table ware, stationery, etc. It’s all very well thought out (if not 100% my style) and the pitchers and the alphabet mugs actually do speak to me.
Anything interesting you’ve found lately?
*Technically, Chua is no longer on the list, as I’ve finished it since I took the picture. [Edit: I have just taken a proper look at the photo and realised that The Girl From the Coast is on it as well – but Toer is obviously not a woman. I was not lying about those 10 seconds.]
Oh, Hollywood – I love cinema nearly as much as I love books and perfume, so I will happily check out Chimes At Midnight. I’ve found this year’s Oscar pictures pretty disappointing (apart from Call Me By Your Name), but Old Hollywood, on the other hand… I’m looking forward to seeing Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story, and a Todd Haynes season at my local cinema (which will be screening films he has been inspired by as well as his own – 1950s-fest ahoy). Heavily influenced by instagram here, but I want to read the new Zadie Smith essays, and NW as well, and Batuman’s The Idiot, and buy my first copy of The Gentlewoman now that I’ve found a stockist (Alison Janney! I, Tonya is excellent, forgot about that one). Chanel is bringing back my favourite lip balm, via the Les Beiges collection (my one is nearly worn to nothing so this is good timing). And is there a new Frederic Malle on the way? And yes to more Penguin Moderns, and more of that Penguin green
And daffodils! My parents’ garden has swathes of old daffodils that are pale, and small, and come out much later in the spring than the ones I planted when I was kid (the big, gaudy yellow trumpety kind which arrive very early), and now I try to time my visits to catch them at their best. Ah, the refinement of taste over time.
Yes! There is a new Malle called Music for a While – I’ll try to see this weekend if it’s already available in Brussels. It sounds unusual for Malle, quite sweet and fruity, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Lavender should be prominent, which is a good thing – I’ve grown to love it over the years.
Hedy Lamarr is probably one of the most fascinating people ever. I haven’t watched many documentarues in recent years, but this one is calling my name and the one on James Baldwin. And apparently there’ll be a doc on Ursula le Guin as well.
Thank you so much for mentioning me! I’ve actually been reading this blog on the QT without ever saying hello which seems like bad manners. I have just purchased the Flawless Filter and absolutely love it so I can second Sali’s recommendation. And tonight I’m going to see Bombshell and can’t wait.
Dear Emily, thank you so much for passing by! I’m even more excited about the Flawless Filter now, it sounds like a beautiful product. (And your manners are impeccable.)
I recently bought Zadig & Voltaire’s This is Her and spray it on a handkerchief and go to bed with it. This is Her’s notes include jasmine and chestnut which caught my attention and really do make for a lovely likeable scent. Not at all springy but then again I live in Manila where spring doesn’t exist.
I was initially put off by Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri because it sounded like a serious crime and justice movie but it’s supposed to be a dark comedy or at least darkly humorous, so I’m happy to see that a local movie theater hung up posters because that should mean it might show the movie. I’ll definitely go watch it in that case.
I should try that Z&V scent – I have a number of clothes from the brand, but never tried the fragrances. Don’t really know why, rather stupid of me.
And Manila! How cool is that!? Have you always lived there? Do you like it? I’m sorry, I get really excited about faraway places. The closest I’ve been is Singapore…