September Memo: Atwood, Poppies and Bottled Glow
This is a strange autumn for me: usually, I regard September as the REAL New Year, but this time I’m a bit more subdued. Mostly, it’s because in the work context, we are all waiting for the new Commission to start in November and until then, everything will be in flux and my future – among many others – uncertain. I suspect this lack of elan is also a reflection of me writing this post while feeling like there is an unpleasant virus lurking in my system. That said, autumn is always exciting and I do have a few things to share with you.
1. Tan-Luxe Super Glow serum. As advertised in my last memo, I have indeed bought this and it’s as good as everybody says. Unusually for a hybrid product, it does in fact work really well both as a hydrating serum (I don’t need another serum when I use this, although sometimes I add one nevertheless) and as a self-tan product. I use 4-5 drops and that gives a very subtle result; it seems entirely foolproof. I also got Vita Liberata’s Beauty Blur, which is basically Body Blur for face, and I’m enjoying that, too. I feel like I owe you a skincare update, so that will come soonish.
2. Advent calendars. Yes, you read this right. The (skincare) advent calendar madness has already started. While I admit I would not mind if the Liberty’s version suddenly materialised in my home, I’m not sure how much sense these actually make. They are a nice gift for skincare fans and they can be a good way to test several products. Then again, if you are like me and get a couple of big GWPs a year, you probably have the testing covered. One might be better off spending all that money on a handful of carefully selected products one actually needs. If you are tempted, however, take a look at the Cult Beauty version – the first one by them ever and including some really nice stuff.
3. New perfumes. I haven’t been that impressed with Jo Malone’s recent fragrances and initially I wasn’t impressed with Poppy & Barley either: it didn’t seem like much when I sprayed it on my skin – vaguely floral, a bit musky. However, every time I caught a whiff of myself later that day, I loved it. It is difficult to describe: in theory, it’s a floral perfume and I guess it is, but not overwhelmingly so; I think it’s mostly the creaminess of the barley note I find so appealing (and no, despite what the website says, it’s not dramatic, unless you have a very low threshold for drama). In any case, it’s one of those fragrances that has beautiful sillage. There is also a new release by Serge Lutens that I’m yet to try and Gucci Memoirs that comes in a wonderful bottle, but is totally unwearable for me.
4. From the Oven to the Table. My love for Diana Henry is well documented on these pages and her latest cookbook is no exception. As you can probably guess, it’s about things you can cook in the oven and this happens to be one of my favourite ways to make food – mostly because is easy. I bought this book as soon as it came out and immediately cooked the chicken with white vermouth, mustard and sour cream. It was delicious. There are many other recipes that appeal to me and not surprisingly, it’s a cookbook well suited to autumn.
5. Atwood & Co. The publishing event of the month is obviously Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments coming out on 10 September. I fully understand the hype around the sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale, but I must say I’m personally a bit wary, despite (or because of) my adoration for the original. I’m sure I’ll read it at some point, just not necessarily immediately. Somewhat perversely, I am currently much more interested in Atwood’s back catalogue, I still have quite a lot to get through. Her essays and The Robber Bride are on top of my list. I’m also looking forward to Alix E. Harrow’s The Ten Thousand Doors of January, after loving her Hugo-winning short story.
6. Ülo. This is mostly for Estonians or people travelling to Tallinn: I finally got myself to restaurant Ülo where I spent an absolutely wonderful evening with my sister. Lovely food, great surroundings, amazing service, non-outrageous prices. They’ve got excellent vegan options, so everyone should feel welcome.
7. Clothes. I have been relatively restrained in my shopping in August and beginning of September and I’m trying to keep it that way. I do have two collaborations on the way, however, that both a) involve clothes and b) are pretty exciting. I should have more to share by mid-September and if you follow me on Instagram, you may already have an idea what one of them is about. In related news, if you have gym wear recommendations or brands you are curious about, let me know – I’m thinking about an article on the topic.
How’s your September going? Excited? Not really?
I think I need that cookbook because the only way I am willing to cook at all is when I can put things in the oven and then just wait and get hungrier by the minute. Does she use common enough ingredients? There is nothing more off putting then having to chase stuff in various shops which am always too lazy/busy to do
I think she’s relatively down-to-earth, there are some recipes with more unusual ingredients, but definitely not all of them. She’s a big fan of chicken thighs, for example
Then again, I’m probably not the best judge on this topic, as chasing interesting ingredients isn’t at all off-putting for me.
chicken thighs you say? I’m sold!
Curious what you’ll make of The ten thousand doors of January…
Do you have it already? I’ve historically been skeptical about portal fantasies, but I really liked Harrow’s style in A Witch’s Guide to Escape, so I’m pretty excited.
I was sent an ARC earlier this year. I have read and reviewed it. Sadly it didn’t leave any lasting impression on me. Maybe you’ll have a different experience.
I do actually remember that review, but didn’t realise it was about this book (I had not even heard of Harrow when you read it). Rereading your thoughts has cooled my enthusiasm somewhat and I’m usually not a fan of portal fantasies to begin with. But I will likely still give it a go, based on my love for that short story.
I think October is my new September…for the past few years my “new year” feeling hasn’t really kicked in until later in the season, so for the moment I continue to drift. Calling it “drift” seems better than confusion or uncertainty, but it’s those things too. Accompanied by a reading slump, make-up slump, and clothes slump. Bof. I did attempt a version of your fabulous summer black series (evening dresses and black velvet shorts, fun!) in August, which livened things up, but this week everything is just slumpsville.
But there’s always something: what’s the new Serge? I fell off the perfume blogs a while ago so the Eaux de Politesse series came as a recent surprise here when I saw them instore. I like them all (though they seem pretty unpopular when I checked the blogs for reviews – what do you think?) – the mixture of lightness and pungency across the range, as well as the flat pebbled bottle, and I have the gorgeous L’Eau d’Armoise. I think it might share a trendy note (something very dry) with the new Gucci and also the new YSL Libre, neither of which I like, but the Eau d’A is a good change from orientals and gourmands and greens which I haven’t wanted to wear for months (another slump there). It’s maybe a dry florist’s shop…
I have somehow lost track of my comments… So sorry for missing this one! The new Lutens is a dark spicy-sweet oud called La Couche du Diable, I tried it last weekend. I like it, but I don’t think it’s a) that diabolic and b) very original. For a similar mood, I prefer my London and Nanban.
If I’m not mistaken, most of the Eaux de Politesse are not new (although yours is). I like the bottles and the concept, but I don’t really go to Lutens for lighter fragrances. I was interested in Santal Blanc, which I have half-planned to buy for years, but I smelled the new version and it seemed to me only a shadow of its former self.
I really do hope October will bring some energy and clarity, everything is uncertain here and therefore not conducive to fresh starts.
September is my new year too! I hope you have positive news about your work situatiion and be relaxed enough to properly enjoy autumn. Have you read Margaret Atwood’s poems? I think they are a must read if you generally love her work. As for perfumes, I also cannot wait to try the new Lutens. I tried the new Frederic Malle, Rose et Cuir, which is extremely enjoyable, a transparent geranium rose scent. I can imagine it perfectly for day wear. Also, there is a beautiful release by Une Nuit Nomade, Ambre Khandjar. A very interesting smokey amber. And I need to try the latest Aedes de Venustas, Musc Encensee. I have been eyeing Lucas Hugh activewear. I am looking forward to your skincare, autumn perfume, makeup and style posts. I am not the type of person who would buy Advent Calendars for myself but I will definitely check out the Cult Beauty one!
I have not read Atwood’s poems outside her novels (she often has some in them), am making a mental note! You have also made me want to go and check out the new scents. It’s a pity my usual haunts don’t carry Une Nuit Nomade, I am seriously considering getting a new bottle of Mr Vetiver and I would like to try the others.
Lucas Hugh things look very good, I also have Ernest Leoty, Vaara and P.E. Nation on my radar. But I think Hugh is the most performance oriented of them, which I prefer, as I do intense gym workouts.
There’s a new Frederic Malle? With rose? By Jean-Claude Ellena? September slump just ended!
My local dealer didn’t have it yet