Tarragon Lemonade & New Year’s Resolutions
The arrival of the New Year kind of ruins the winter for me. Most of the things that make winter bearable – warm drinks, cosy knits, stews and roasts – start to feel slightly wrong. Every January, I want to feel sleek, sharp and fit and my mind is already in spring. This is disastrous in Estonia, where it might take another four months until the spring actually arrives, but is a bit less problematic in Brussels, where you could in fact have daffodils blooming by the end of February.
I’m also thinking that no matter how much I love my coffee with condensed milk and my gingerbread, we have been conditioned to associate winter pleasures with things that aren’t necessarily healthy. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have these kinds of pleasures and I’m certainly not giving up my bacon and biscuits, but sometimes I wonder if an abundant fruit and berry platter wouldn’t bring us as much joy, if we just remembered it was an option. And while I tremendously enjoy a nice cocktail or five, alcohol does not have to be a default option at every gathering. Interesting non-alcoholic drinks have been a passion of mine since I was pregnant 8 years ago. I have recently found one I love and that summarizes exactly how I want to feel at the moment: fresh, zingy, simple, full of flavour and still a bit indulgent.
This tarragon lemonade is from one of my favourite cookbooks of last year: Samarkand by Caroline Eden and Eleanor Ford. I was one of those Soviet kids who was obsessed with Tarhun lemonade and tarragon is my favourite herb to this day. To make the drink, I simply muddle a few tarragon sprigs with a little sugar (this time I actually used the blender for a bit, to get all the flavour out), squeeze in a lime and top up with sparkling water. You can add ice, if you feel like it. For a super healthy version, drop the sugar entirely and simply have a fantastic flavoured water.
This yearning for focus and can-do-ness is also why I don’t mind having New Year’s resolutions. I like to plan things! I approve of self-improvement! I don’t fret too much if I don’t keep the resolutions, but with a couple of exceptions, I did pretty well with my last ones (you could say I missed the two big ones, but there’s always 2017:). This year is going to be tough for me, again, as I’m temporarily changing my job from March to December and it’s going to be intense. The resolutions are therefore quite modest, but they are exactly what I want to do.
1. I will listen to podcasts. I have been a very late adopter when it comes to podcasts, but I finally plan to adopt them now. I have the equipment (see the picture for proof), I have some podcasts I badly want to listen to – the number one being In Our Time, recommended by Artfulreader – and I have the perfect occasion when walking the dog. A person cannot survive on YouTube beauty videos alone.
2. I will spend less on fast fashion. I spend quite a bit on clothes and I feel bad about it lately. Not because clothes are frivolous, but because often, they are bad news for the people who make them and the planet that has to deal with the consequences. I am not promising to quit shopping at Zara, but I will make an effort to improve. I will search for smaller, hopefully more sustainable brands. I will buy from designers I know. I will invest in pieces I can see myself wearing for five – better if for 10 – years. I’ll report back.
3. I will spend better in general. Again, my worry is not so much that I’m spending, or not even that I’m spending on things that I don’t like or use. It’s that I don’t prioritise and end up with 10 cleansers I love, but no eye cream. Or forget that I do in fact really want to get a few things for the house or a new camera. My new super pithy battle cry is: more focus, less distraction by nice stuff! Although I guarantee the latter will never disappear.
4. I will read less, do more. If you’ve been here before, you know I love reading. I will continue to read in quantities that some think are unreasonable. I always feel that I’m not reading enough, but next year I will not attempt to read more. I will, instead, make sure I also go to concerts, watch movies, see some exhibitions and have friends over. And sleep. I did all of it in 2016, but not nearly enough.
5. I will get my cooking mojo back. The second half of 2016 was a bad cooking semester for me. I very rarely cooked during the week and even skipped some weekend days. True, I usually get home so late from Monday to Friday that cooking is difficult, but I also felt uninspired. Fortunately, 2017 is already looking much better. I have been cooking from Samarkand and have ordered a couple of promising cookbooks. I also want to do a post on reasonable but non-boring weekday meals.
6. I will eat less sugar. Yeah, I guess me and 7 billion other people. I’m not going to drone on about it, but I eat too much. Not crazy amounts, but more than I’d like – cutting back can only do me good. I’m not going cold turkey and my main strategy is in fact point number 5: extensive experience shows that when I eat well, my sugar cravings diminish significantly.
7. I will blog. The job change makes me a bit worried about finding time for the blog, but somehow it’ll all work out. I blog less now than in the very beginning, but the posts have become longer, as I use smaller bits and pieces up on Instagram. Long posts take time and photos take planning. So much planning! But as I said, I’ll find a way. I’m not going anywhere.
What are your plans for 2017, no matter if you call them resolutions or not?
I will check out In Our Time right away! What are the other podcasts on your list?
Other two I’m really interested in are 99% Invisible and Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History.
Great post, I love your points 2, 3 and 4! Spending less in general and shopping independent is definitely my main goal for 2017 and beyond.
My 2016 was busy work-wise and I didn’t make enough time for myself, I really like the idea of making my goal to go to concerts, exhibitions, museums, theater etc much more. Thank you for that!
You are very welcome. I totally get how busy work can get and sometimes it’s enjoyable and sometimes there’s simply no avoiding it. It’s a constant struggle and balance is not easy to achieve. Then again, sometimes one needs to take a long hard look at how one is spending one’s days. Adding up the hours I spend working/sleeping/aimlessly surfing the net/doing all the other things has been very eye-opening for me.
I hope you’ll have more me-time in 2017 and have a wonderful year!
Dear Annikky, I don’t do new year’s resolution, but several of yours I keep as guidelines most of the time. Current job and life demands, and a deficit in the energy department have caused me to bring the number of blogs I read and comment on down; yours and BdJ are among the ones I (almost) always read, not in the least as yours has provided me with many life enhancing suggestions. Like….the uber cosy stylish cashmere tracksuit I am wearing right now! I jumped when the until then sold out S on the suit supply site turned into an available. And…my husband complimented me on it immediately, always nice. I can’t remember if I commented here that I buy most of my cashmere at Boden (uk) or Pure Collection, the latter says all their cashmere is sustainable. Thank you again for blogging A, I am glad you are not going anywhere.
I am so, so happy that you’re enjoying the suit! I’m wearing it at the moment, too. As you know, I like to share things, and then I panic, thinking that someone might in fact act on it and not enjoy the result…
I’m also glad that you come here, despite all those pressures. Don’t worry about commenting, but it makes me warm inside, knowing that you’re out there reading. Hugs!
Your resolutions for 2017 sounds quite do-able!Tell us more about the change in job(if you can please!)My resolutions are more fundamentals of 2017:Move back to the city,create my perfect Perfume Room which I have been going on and on about on NST,and take one whole calender months’ leave after that.Other than that I would like to get back to my happy weight of 65kgs,I’m currently weighing in at 77kg,NOT my happy weight(and my white shorts from last summer is a testament to this,lol).Next week wednesday will be my first attendance of a “bootcamp” fitness program,we will see how that pans out.I never resolute to STOP SMOKING,but I realize that it needs to happen soon.I want to read more as well-actual books,not just articles and blogs.I think this will be a great year,and I wish you all the best as well!P.s,There is a pre-Fall chilliness in the air down south,Spring is probably closer than you think up North!xo
Which city is that? And the perfume room sounds so good, you make me want one as well. I will tell you about the job whem it’s a bit closer, I promise. I hope you’ll have the most amazing year!
Tere, taiesti teemavaline, aga ma usaldan Sinu arvamust rohkem kui kosmeetikute omi:D kas oskad soovitada retinooli ja hyaluroonhapet sisaldavaid paeva ja ookreemi? Mis su enda lemmik on?
Oi, milline vastutus! Ma ise kasutan nii hüaluroonhapet kui ka retinoli peamiselt seerumi vormis, nii et kreeme on natuke keeruline soovitada, aga no proovime. Mu lemmikkreem hetkel on Sunday Riley Tidal (vt ka mu 2016. aasta parimate nahahooldustoodete postitust), sobib kasutada nii päeval kui ka öösel. Selle ainuke häda on hind, kuigi see ei ole sugugi mu kalleimate kreemide hulgas. Vanasti kasutasin hea meelega Eucerini Hyaluron-Filler sarja – mitte nii fancy, aga odamavm ja kättesaadavam. Teine, aga taas kulukam sari, mis on meeldinud, on Rodiali Dragon’s Blood. Kui oled ikkagi nõus seerumit proovima, siis siin on valikut palju rohkem. Mu enda lemmik on Pestle & Mortar, aga näiteks The Ordinary, Mizoni või Hada Labo seerumid on väga korralikud ja odavad. Kergemalt kättesaadavatest on Vichy Aqua Thermal juba klassik.
Retinoli kasutan ma ainult õhtuti ja nagu öeldud, pigem seerumina. Seal 2016. aasta kokkuvõtvas postituses ma loetlen mitu lemmikut. Neist The Ordinary Advanced Retinoid 2% on naeruväärselt odav ja väga korralik. Dr Dennis Grossi seerum on ilmselt mu lemmik, aga umbes kümme korda kallim. Kui kindlasti kreemi tahta, siis La Roche-Posay Redermic R kreem on väga hea (ja silmakreem ka!), pluss kättesaadav ja adekvaatse hinnaga.
Loodetavasti oli natuke abi! Anna teada, kui miski vajab täpsustamist.
Hello lovely to be here again and I am enjoying catching up on your best of posts. I think you are very good at capturing a mood as I sense a general focus on being more disciplined in what we spend our times, monies and energy on. I too am trying to focus more on less quantity and more considered purchases, as well as more measured Use of time as I am so busy at work and so tired at this time of year! Having gone through a year trying to cook more sugar free at home it is entirely doable and there are som great books- happy to recommend a few! That said I find myself wanting not to cook on weekdays too. On alcohol have you come across Seedlip – a very good non alcoholic alternative to gin. Good luck in the new job and you know we will be delighted to read whenever you have time to post but equally more than undrrstanding of you having less time.
I’m always interested in cookbook recommendations, so please do share if/when you have a moment! My problem with weekdeys is mostly that our daughter should eat at 8pm the latest and on many days, I’m not home by then. Although sometimes I’m just tired or uninspired, too.
# 3 (am currently on a no buy) and # 6 are with me too…although I have somewhat cheated on no 6 with adding sweets to my tea
A general no buy or a perfume one? And I’m still eating added sugar, just a bit less than I used to, so your cheating doesn’t sound like cheating to me?
A general no buy on anything unnecessary which includes perfume, expensive tea and clothing….and expensive sweets as well (macaroons, chocolates,etc)….I am trying to eat healthier hence “no sugar”…not for weight loss just for health…..
That’s a good list of “resolutions”. They can easily go beyond just being resolutions and be permanent changes through habit. I gave up fast fashion a couple years ago and haven’t turned back since. There are a lot of good clothing companies now that are transparent about their costs and also inform customers on how their factories operate – whether they be local or not. I usually buy from Everlane or Grana since I’m able to afford those easily.
I completely agree about scents after New Year’s. Gingerbread just doesn’t seem right in January. I don’t mind heady scents in winter because it’s still cold and something strong and cozy is definitely needed, but January seems to mark the transition to more stern scents with a brisk kick of bergamot, citrus or even galbanum to keep me going until spring shows up.
I’d love to wear Everlane, but they don’t ship to Europe… I think they are working on that, though, so hopefully I can shop with them soon!
And yes, yotally with you on scents. I think I actually need more green florals for this time of year, I only have a couple.
I work in the Capitol city of South Africa,Pretoria.Moving back to “suburbia” to a quite leafy suburb on the outskirts of Pretoria.Many people think either Johannesburg or Cape Town is our capitol,it is in fact Pretoria.(just saying,lol).It’s much more user-friendly than Johannesburg,the pace is also palpably slower than in Jo’burg.
I’ve only been to Durban, but one day…
Hi, Annikky! Very glad to hear you plan to keep blogging in 2017: I always enjoy stopping by for virtual refreshment. Coincidentally (or not?) I’ve spent the last couple of days catching up on This American Life and Studio 360. I’d recommend both of these podcasts and have bookmarked Artfulreader.
Thank you for your support and the podcast recommendations! Both are very much appreciated.
What a lovely post! I think in 2017 I would like to reclaim my own beauty rituals: why go get your nails done when you have a drawer full of nail polish bottles! Plus this way I will be able to do my nails while masking+listening to a podcast in the comfort of my own home. I love Mystery Show and Reply All!
Thank you! And yes, getting to actually doing my nails is a complete bstant struggle for me, too. I’ve just bought a lovely Dior polish and really should use it. The podcasts are duly noted!