Early Spring Fairy
I like that time between the end of winter and the beginning of spring, when the sun is out and snow is melting, but nothing is yet green and alive. Brussels doesn’t really have it, the winters here are too mild. But this spring has been so cold that I kind of feel that I am in fact in this moment right now – no matter that the daffodils and magnolias are already blooming.
It is, of course, an imaginary moment anyway. In real life, the light is not quite as bright, the air as fresh, the surroundings as majestically bare as I imagine. And you would certainly not be able to go bare-armed and fly around the city as a Spring Fairy. But what you can do, is wear silvery, glowy makeup and a dress fit for a fairy – maybe just use a white turtleneck underneath and throw a parka over it, to avoid pneumonia (pneumonia is very un-fairy-like).
I usually tend to associate this – imaginary – time with a certain severity or austerity: cold colours in a somewhat limited palette of white, silver and pale gray, minimal make-up, iris scents, long, simple siluettes. A Snow Queen, watching her kingdom melt without showing any emotion. But I thought I’d take a more lighthearted approach this time. I’ve kept the colours, but ditched the tragedy. The winter will come again, no need for sorrow.
– dress by Karolin Kuusik. This dress is made of light and dreams, but as the shape is quite ambitious, it never gets too sweet.
– Converse All Stars. I feel that dirty Converse fit that dress perfectly.
– Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill in Moonlight (No 12). I’m generally not an eyeshadow person, but this one is pretty and easy to apply (I use fingers).
– Dior Glow Maximizer Light Boosting Primer. If you feel that your face is lacking in the glow department (mine always is), this will help.
– Serge Lutens Un Lys. Iris Silver Mist and Guerlain Apres l’Ondee would both work beautifully here, but I’ve already featured them both on the blog, so let’s try this pretty, clear floral for a change.
– hair crayon in Bruised Violet by Bleach London. It washes right off, so it’s perfect for people for whom arriving at work with lilac pink hair is somewhat complicated.
Unfortunately we missed that incredible segue this year…. when you can just feel and smell spring in the air on a crisp, cool sunrise morning…we haven’t experienced that yet for it was still snowing up until last week and unbearably cold (NOT the usual weather for us in April -what happened to global warming?) and it is predicted to transition to warm weather abruptly after today……