Lockdown Life: The Easiest Banana Cake in the Universe
If all that talk of daily workouts and cleaning the house has made you worry that I’m turning into an ethereal wellness queen, have no fear. In parallel, I’m also baking like there is no tomorrow. I would be baking even more, if there was any flour to be had in the city of Brussels – I have pretty much come to the end of my supplies.
Based on what I’ve heard from friends and seen on social media, it looks like EVERYONE is baking. So I thought I’d share a recipe that was inspired by my legendary date cake (it’s not really legendary, but it’s the closest I’ve ever come to this epithet in any area of life). In the final recipe, there isn’t much left from the original, just the general structure, the use of nut flour and fruit. This version is much, much easier – I have skipped the caramel glaze entirely, streamlined the rest and played around with quantities so that they are easy to remember. The whole idea was to make it as simple and flexible as possible.
There are also no difficult ingredients apart from my preferred almond flour, but you can substitute it with ordinary flour, hazelnut flour or coconut flour (the pictured version is in fact made using the latter). And it’s the perfect way to rescue some brown bananas, the browner the better.
You’ll need:
3 small overripe bananas or two large ones
150 grams flour
150 grams almond flour (or anything else flour-like)
A heaped teaspoon of baking powder
A pinch of salt
One egg
150 grams of brown sugar (white works as well, dark sugar just gives a more caramelised taste)
100 grams butter
Blend the bananas in a blender or smush them with a fork quite thoroughly – the batter works best if the bananas are rather liquid-y. I sometimes add a tiny bit of cream or coconut milk to the blender to help the blending along, but you could add even water, if needed. Melt the butter, add sugar and the egg and mix vigorously for a while (you could cream the butter and sugar first, but as I said – trying to keep it as easy as possible; I actually use the microwave myself). In a different bowl, mix all the dry ingredients and add them to the butter mixture, alternating with bananas and mixing as you go along. Line a round spring form cake tin with baking paper, pour the batter in and bake at 190 degrees for half an hour. Check with a wooden pick if it’s done, if not, give it another 5-10 minutes. It’s difficult to be too precise here, as the baking time depends on what kind of flour you end up using and how big your bananas are. Overall, some moistness is not a bad thing when it comes to this cake.
While it doesn’t look like much, this cake is constantly appreciated by everyone in the house and it’s one of my own faves, too. If you end up making this, let me know how it went. I have made this several times and therefore hope the recipe is solid. I am, however, not a professional cook or recipe developer, so please keep that in mind.
I add cinnamon, cardamom and powdered ginger to my banana bread. And I leave the bananas a bit chunky/lumpy so the texture would be more moist. I bake banana bread regularly (before lockdown) but have done it only once during lockdown cos, well I eat all the bananas before they get spotty:)
I realised after posting that this is very similar to banana bread, but it feels different, partly I think because of the different form. And with almond flour you don’t need to worry about moistness, unless you seriously overbake it. One can add lots of stuff to this recipe as well (I love cardamom in everything), but I held myself back
Ah, I love bananas. I love them. I once had a perfume that was…maybe a lime blossom? from L’Occitane…far too close to ripe bananas to make me want to wear it, because I wanted to eat it. I never cook with bananas because I enjoy eating them plain so much, so this recipe and discussion is wonderful and very comforting. Flour is scarce here too but we have a bag of ground almonds that might work…
Oh Annikky, I am glad you are blogging at present. I was so happy to see your gorgeous lilac dress out for Easter on your Instagram too! I don’t really know what to say about anything else…my concentration is in bits, my thoughts go from frivolity to full panic, so I’m mainly trying to keep them under cover. Hugs. xxx E
P.S. it was linden, not lime, but did not smell like blossoms at all. I do wish I’d kept it though. Who knew a time would come when I would want to smell like banana cake?
Dear Eliza, so good to hear from you! I hope you are feeling more on the frivolous side today… How’s the weather where you are? It’s gorgeous here in Brussels and I find it really helps, even though the time one can spend outside is limited. I went for a walk and I feel extremely cheerful as a result.
Regarding the scent of bananas, have you smelled The Different Company’s Aurore Nomade? It has a distinct banana note, not really a gourmand one, more tropical (in a complex, refined way).
Glad you liked the dress!:)
Thank you for this delicious-sounding perfume recommendation! I have enjoyed everything I have tried from TDC, but that has only been 3 or 4 so far. Their iris is one of my favourites. I look forward to my next perfume-testing day, someday…The weather here has been uncannily perfect for weeks: cold, clear, dry and sunny. I think my city is in its own little micro-climate, which enhances the strangeness even further. I hear you on the fresh air and exercise! I am running my legs off now and I am all the better for it. Once I increased my daily fresh air and exercise routines my cheer levels and sanity levels also shot up, so I feel closer to my usual mental abilities (which is a relief – I am not suffering, unlike thousands of other people, so I really need to pull myself together and do what I can for everyone else). And can I just say, this cake recipe is PERFECT – I made it at lunch and ate it with afternoon coffee. I used ground almonds rather than almond flour, and added a handful of walnuts, but otherwise did it as above. So super quick, fool-proof, tasty, and my very first banana bake: aitäh!
It’s such a relief to hear about the cake! Thank you for letting me know, I really appreciate that. I think what I use is in fact also ground almonds rather that almond flour, I’m not entirely sure what the proper definitions are.
Very impressed to hear that you are running regularly. I’m not really a running person, but as it’s quite difficult to do 10000 steps in one go every day, I have been contemplating doing some running to speed up the process…