The Rules of Sharing
Last week, both of my sisters and one of their friends were heading out for the night. As befits an older relative who lives a life of tragic boredom, I stayed home but brought out my clothes, make-up and perfume for them to use. I posted a picture of the sh..
The Munkegaard Chair
If you have by any chance read my ‘about’ section, you may have noticed I mention my quest for the perfect dinner table chair. Well, I should probably update that text now, as the hunt is over. I’ve got the chairs.
I first saw this Arne Jacobsen creation ..
Big in Japan
I have long had an ignorant Westerner’s fascination with Japanese culture and history. From shinto to anime, from wakame to samurai, I just find it all interesting and appealing. And then there’s the aesthetic side of it, of course – the ink paintings, the c..
The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman
People have different ideas about what constitutes an entertaining book. The elements I look for include, but are not limited to: secret organizations, libraries, kick-ass women and spies. As soon as I read the blurb of Genevieve Cogman’s The Invisible Libra..
Early Spring Fairy
I like that time between the end of winter and the beginning of spring, when the sun is out and snow is melting, but nothing is yet green and alive. Brussels doesn’t really have it, the winters here are too mild. But this spring has been so cold that I kind ..
YSL Glossy Stains
While in more civilized parts of the world, people can already enjoy the new YSL Pop Water Glossy Stains, here we’re still stuck with the original Rouge Pur Couture Vernis À Lèvres Glossy Stain collection (I will not use this name again, I have no idea who Y..
Zome by Jaanus Orgusaar
I’m not quite sure what the etiquette is when it comes to expressing feelings for one’s furniture, but I’m relatively certain it’s considered somewhat déclassé to be too vocal and sentimental about a divan or a lacquer cabinet one happens to own and like.
7 Health Cheats
After covering condensed milk, caramel and marzipan, the time has come for a health-related post. I admit that I have never been particularly health-concious: years ago at a group training when people were asked to list their values/priorities in life, I was..
My Street
Last weekend, I had in mind to shoot some streetwear-inspired pictures, to prove that my taste stretches a bit further than pink brocade skirts, pink dresses and then maybe some black dresses for variety. But when others saw the clothes I had brought to the ..
The Colours of Marzipan
Today’s post was supposed to be about something totally different. About something conceptual and intelligent and … stuff. Well, maybe not quite, but I do have the posts mapped out some time in advance, so that I can plan and don’t wake up post-less and pa..