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Tribute to the King

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Tribute to the King

This weekend, I woke up to the news that Chadwick Boseman had died. I have to admit, with some embarrassment, that the only role I ever saw him in was T’Challa. While this is surely not enough to properly appreciate him as an actor, it is entirely sufficient for knowing that he made history. I have never had much patience for people who dismiss the superhero genre by default, but not seeing the importance of the Black Panther movie for modern culture is not a sign of refined sensibility, it is just wilful ignorance. 

On Recommending Books

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On Recommending Books

“Oh, you like books, tell me, what should I read?” is among my least favourite questions in the world. It’s not that I don’t like to recommend books per se – I do, I like doing almost anything book-related and it’s also rather flattering when people see you as some sort of a book whisperer who can pick the right one for them. But that’s exactly the problem: recommending books is a bit like working with vulnerable animals – very tricky and also a huge responsibility. What if I mess up?

Lockdown Life: Training Like a Madwoman

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Lockdown Life: Training Like a Madwoman

A Facebook friend recently shared a Sunday Times article about middle-aged middle-class women who are hell-bent on exiting the lockdown with defined abs. I haven’t read the article for two reasons: 1) it was behind a paywall and 2) I was afraid it would hit too close to home. There is no denying I’m spending significant portions of my week strengthening my core. And I have a hunch that these ab-obsessed women do not come out of that article very well.