Tokyo Bloom by The Different Company
I think Tokyo Bloom is a terrific name for a fragrance, but it’s misleading (as is my photo above, sorry about that). The word ‘bloom’ makes me expect a floral scent, but this one – at least on my skin – is not about flowers at all. It’s a unique green moder..
A Cheap Dress
A not infrequent dialogue in our household goes something like this:
One of my sisters: “How much did it cost?”
Me: “Oh, not that much. (pause) Relatively speaking. (pause) I mean, some things cost much more.”
I’m not an indiscriminate spender, though, ..
5 Things in Tubes
I tend to get excited by things pretty easily. Sometimes, this enthusiasm makes perfect sense, as in the case of my love for feminist science fiction, biathlon and single malt whiskey. Who wouldn’t adore these things, right? Sometimes, however, it can be puz..
Salted Caramel
There are very few things I like better than the taste of salted caramel. Some of my familiy members, possibly, and Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia and that’s about it. While I’m glad that Ladurée has opened an outpost in Brussels, their salted caramel macaroons and ..
The Glory of Flats
It took me about 27 years to see any point in flat shoes. I know that some women feel awkward and self-conscious in heels, but I don’t remember ever feeling that way. Quite the opposite, I felt insecure in flats – it seemed to me that as soon as I removed my..
Pretty Honest by Sali Hughes
Either it’s almost impossible to find a good beauty book or I’m extraordinarily hard to please. Possibly both. But if you have ever seen a book in that genre, I’m sure you understand: they date fast, are often vaguely (or blatantly) marketing-y and the writi..
4+ Things I Definitely Don’t Need
I have always had a soft spot for the over-the-top and the impractical. Things that I don’t necessarily need (the concept of ‘need’ is of course very subjective in any case) are often the things I enjoy the most. Here’s a small sample:
Blush and Bronze
I was defending the trends the other day and while I was trying to make it sound all analytical and stuff, I was of course just defending myself. I seem to be so influenced by visual cues that I can pick up a trend or two on my way from the bathroom to the k..
Scents of the Day: Part 1
Last year, I did a project called Scent of the Day. For a month, every day, I talked about a scent on Facebook. I have been asked by friends to make these musings available on the blog, as it’s impossible to find anything on Facebook. So I’ll copy my mini-re..
Neutral Nails
When I’m asked to identify my strengths and weaknesses (I hate questions like that), I feel tempted to say: great at doing my make-up, HORRIBLE at doing my nails. A risky answer at a job interview – because who would hire a person who cannot even do her nai..