A Perfect Summer Cologne: Chanel Paris-Deauville and Friends
A perfumista’s life tends to go through phases: frantically sampling and testing all the perfumes in the world; buying everything that seems interesting; being disillusioned and bored with the entire scent thing; cutting down the collection and only wearing old favourites; HAVING NOTHING TO WEAR; frantically sampling and testing… I’ve been a relatively subdued sniffer and buyer for a couple of years now, most things just have not piqued my interest and with my 50+ bottles (very restrained compared to some other people I know), I already own the majority of my top favourites and have a pretty good selection for any olfactory mood.
It is always a pleasure, however, when I get excited for perfume again and this is what’s currently happening. I don’t know if I’m just more open to new things at the moment or the latest launches are indeed objectively fascinating. Probably a bit of both. In any case, a new release from Chanel will always make me sit up and take notice. I’m not the greatest fan of their recent mainstream offerings, but there are many Chanels that I truly love. So as soon as I realised that their new Les Eaux de Chanel trio was in stores, I immediately run to the store to douse myself in them.
This mini collection is positioned, to my mind, in a pretty sweet spot between things Chanel already offers: more modern than the classics, more refined than the recent big launches, more accessible (both price and smell-wise) than the exclusives. They are closest to the latter in spirit and that of course suits me just fine. There are three options: Paris-Deauville, Paris-Venise and Paris-Biarritz, all inspired by the mythical Chanel past, all light and easy to wear.
My favourite of the three is Deauville, illustrated by the fact that I bought a bottle within an hour of first sniffing it (as you know I don’t generally approve of this kind of behaviour, but I know the right Chanel for me when I smell one). It is a lovely green floral citrus cologne, very mellow and rounded. For me, this is a no-brainer, a perfect summer weekend scent that’s also sophisticated enough for work or anything else, really. It is elegant, but also very relaxed. If you like Cristalle or Bel Respiro, I think you might enjoy this. It also reminds me a bit of Dior’s Eau Sauvage and even Diorella – not a bad thing either. It is very light and best sprayed liberally, fortunately the bottle size (125ml) reflects that. The staying power is not the greatest, but it’s also not the worst, and as I say, this is a perfume that you are meant to reapply.
While the Deauville was my firm favourite from the first sniff, I wouldn’t mind owning Paris-Venise either. This is the sweetest and richest of the three, although still transparent and airy. It is in fact rather remarkable how it manages to be both at the same time. If I had to summarise it briefly (and I guess that’s kind of the point here), I’d say it’s a cologne version of a lipstick perfume. There is rose, violet, iris, vanilla and a bit of powder, but also the freshness of neroli – it’s a veil rather than a shawl. So maybe not a lipstick then, but a sheer, non-sticky gloss? If you have ever wished that Chanel Misia had a (much) lighter sibling, check this out.
For those who are interested in gender-appropriateness of perfumes, Paris-Venise is the most conventionally feminine of the three and Paris-Biarritz the most masculine. The latter is probably also the closest to a traditional cologne: very fresh, bracing and citrusy. It has a rather sharp (as in citrus zest and pith) opening which makes it my least favourite in this trio. But I can imagine how wonderful it would be to take this out of the fridge on a hot day and spray like there’s no tomorrow. If you’re looking for a classic, energising summer scent, give it a try.
Have you tried these? What did you think? Any other recent favourites? And let me know if you’d be interested in a post on other new scents I’ve been liking.
Would you believe I I actually tried these yesterday at Standsted Airport in the UK! Love Love Love the bottles – they are so elegant and fabulous ! But……… the fragrances are extremely light wearing for £77.00 ! My favourite initially was Paris-Venise but it turned very sweet on me quickly
so if I were to splurge it would be the Deauville for sure! Thank you for the review
Hah, excellent timing then! And I do like the bottles a lot, too, they suit the scents well I think (very Chanel, but more relaxed than the classic rectangular bottle). They are light indeed, but this is clearly intentional, the same way Hermessences are light. Personally, I’ve never felt that light scents are somehow less worthy and must cost much less than heftier ones, especially if the bottle is larger to reflect this. Compared to the exclusives, these are considerably more affordable, so I’m fine with the price point.
I’ve been desperate to try Paris-Deauville and now I’m even more motivated. You’re the second person who’s indicated this is the fresh, lovely cologne I’ve been hoping for from Chanel’s new releases. I hope to test it next week. I’ve already done some calculations and decided I need one of these more than I need new running shoes. There, that was easy to justify! (And yes, please, I’d love to read your thoughts on any new scents you’ve been liking.)
Victoria over at BdJ also loves it, so it cannot be bad! I really hope you like it, I certainly do. And I cannot fault your math
Not only I haven’t tried these yet but I didn’t know these were released, which probably says something about my current phase in this hobby. But since I consider myself a Chanel fan, now of course I want to try them all. And I will as soon as I figure out who carries them around here – so thank you for the nudge.
I believe these are brand new, possibly not even out yet in some places. With the French brands, Brussels isn’t a bad place to be… I still enjoy my Deauville very much, have been wearing it since I bought it. Once you sniff them, let me know what you think!
Surprisingly those are already available in Tallinn as well. I liked them, especially the Biarritz but I couldn’t smell anything on me after walking out of the store (about 5 minutes – and boy, did I spray liberally) – a bit ridiculous, really. Deaville lasted way better but sadly it turned into a bit of a sweet explosion on my skin like 90% of scents do. Still a lovely set though and I am not saying that I won’t buy one of them at some point. And of course, you have to tell us about perfumes you are into atm.
Hah, Biarritz lasts lasts the longest on me, following the old Perfumista Law that the things you hate are impossible to get off the skin (not that I hate this one). Have you ever tried Cristalle EdT, by the way? I find it similar to Deauville, but less sweet, so could be an option for you.
funny coincidence – I was just looking at it today at the store today! Yet to try it on my skin though
Oh Annikky this tale of a perfumista’s life made me laugh! I’ve been waiting for these new Chanels impatiently. I got into perfume in a serious way a few years ago courtesy of NST and Bois de Jasmin and am looking at 80+ bottles in my collection (some of which I’ve had since the 90s – yes, the 90s, people, that’s before e,mail) but lately I’ve decided numbers are for mathematicians, whereas I’m all about the emotion and style, so I’ve stopped counting. I clapped eyes on the Serge bell jars for the first time in New York recently at Aedes de Venustas – such a gorgeous store – but can’t remember anything that I smelled there, except DS and Durga’s one that smells like a violin – that was breathtakingly beautiful (yet I hated it the previous day at Catbird in Brooklyn, thereby adding a new rule for perfume testers: watch out for humidity). I love the sound of your Times Square
and have had good luck with the Hermes Citron Noir as well. My current craving is for a strong vetiver, and I think the Hermes Bel Ami Vetiver might win out on my next shopping trip. My main summer recommendation, however, is a German brand named J.S. Schwartzlose. Their linden blossom perfume IA 33, which I picked up at the amazing Parfumarija in Dublin, is gorgeous , simple and summery – seriously, it is the best perfume shop that I’ve been to in Europe. Linden smells a lots like bananas, so you might like it too
Also want to recommend Bloom in Covent Garden in London – was there this earlier this week and even my haste and bad temper (European heatwave, plus English football success, equals major freakout) couldn’t dim their excellent customer service. I tried ELdO’s L’Apres Midi d’un Faun, remembering one of your posts – it is wonderful, very close to TF’s Fleur de Chine – and a few other things. Very good range of niche perfume. Seinding you a hug fragrant with Parfumerie Generale’s Indochhine!
Bloom has been on my list of places to visit for a while, but I’ve not managed so far. I’m planning another short trip there this summer, though, I want to see the Kahlo exhibition and, well, just London in general. And the linden blossom scent sounds lovely. I adore linden blossoms and their scent, both in nature and in perfumes. My favourite so far has been Tilleul by d’Orsay, but I don’t own it. Going to Dublin is another thing on my list: I’ve been once, for work, and would love to visit again.