Anni Jürgenson Ear Cuffs: War on Boring
There are two problems I often face, although not necessarily simultaneously. The first one I’ve mentioned before: it’s my lack of ear piercings (I tried, it didn’t work out) that is making my choice of earrings woefully limited. And I love earrings. Cue much frustration.
The other issue is that my looks can get boring. To a certain extent, that’s inevitable – I’ve got a job that requires relatively conservative outfits, I’m over 30 and have a kid, I’m possibly a slightly boring person who gravitates towards elegant clothing. On good days, there’ll be some glamour, but there is hardly ever any punk. That would be OK, if I myself didn’t find it… boring.
So imagine my joy when I found something to help me with both of these issues. Anni Jürgenson is a young Estonian model who designs jewelry, mostly earrings. I have stalked her creations (and herself, to be frank) on social media for a while now and finally managed to see her designs in person when I was in Tallinn for holidays. I promptly bought a cuff with black feathers and if the red-gold creation below had been available, I would have bought that on the spot as well.
I’ve tried ear cuffs before (see problem no 1), but they have always been a bit uncomfortable and I never saw a design I really, really liked without entering the aspirational pricing territory (I tend to find that territory very unwelcoming). Well, it’s all sorted now. What I like about cuffs in general is that they are by default less “pretty” than most ordinary earrings, there’s a different feel to them – rougher, tougher. Cooler, if you will. What I like about this cuff in particular is that it works perfectly with biker boots, grey jeans and an old t-shirt, but even better with a dress. Because… yes, you’ve guessed it – it makes it less boring.
PS Second picture is stolen from Anni’s web site.
That picture has a very Native American vibe to it. I would like to be more articulate than that, but apparently that’s not happening. I will try and redeem myself by clarifying it’s not just that feathers are involved. I might have just made my ineptitude (is that a word? NOT googling use brain) even more stark. Is starker a word? Sigh …
I actually love jewelry, but I don’t wear it. I have pierced ears and plenty of earrings. That I don’t wear. In my etsy phase I favorited a bunch of stuff, and feathers were represented quite often. They are so intriguing, and much more elegant than glitter which also fascinates me. Thank goodness I can leave that alone. For now.
Anyway, your cuff is beautiful and I’m so glad you’re enjoying it!
I associate Native American vibe with grasslands (I have no idea if that’s actually relevant in any way), maybe that’s why? Plus the feathers. And I’m pretty sure starker is a word.
Why are you not wearing your jewelry, by the way?
I’m certain that most people would associate Native Americans with grasslands, and the first image that comes to my mind as well are the plains here. Being a native of Virginia, I’m also familiar with some of the tribes here on the waterways on the east coast, and of course Pocahontas. I think your picture has a certainly gravity to it that I associate with Native Americans, and that is due in large part to the way that they’ve been depicted in tv and films.
To answer your question, I am currently only wearing gold hoops that are a continuous circle so I actually sleep in them and never take them out! I also wear a Turkish ring I’ve had since 1973. I could give you many valid reasons why I haven’t worn any other jewelry for many years, but I myself am not clear on why I’m eschewing it now. Perhaps what I have just doesn’t suit my fancy any longer. I have definitely found myself refining my taste recently and paying more attention to what I own in general and whether or not any of it is really me. In addition to our no-buy for January, I am also de-cluttering everything.
*certain gravity, not certainly