Aldo Järvsoo
TagBest of 2024: Style
My style has, unfortunately, become more boring. This is partly because I am more reasonable and practical these days: I want to be able to wear my clothes for years, which means safer bets and better quality, often resulting in more classic looks. I have also simply been drawn to quieter colour combination, whether due to the influence of Instagram’s love for neutrals or my own changing tastes, who knows. But my list on favourites can perhaps still be useful, even if shorter on – although not entirely devoid of – glamour than in some other years.
On Getting Older (and Golden Capes)
When I first received the pictures from this photoshoot (which, for the record, I absolutely adore), I momentarily considered asking the photographer to touch up my face. While I got over this reaction almost immediately, I cannot deny this happened*. And for the first time in my life, I didn’t have that impulse because I thought I looked ugly (this has happened on countless occasions), but because I looked old. Or perhaps more precisely, I looked my actual age: in the harsh light outside, you can pretty much count every single one of my 41 years on my face.
Go For Gold! Or Silver. Or Bronze.
I am somewhat dubious about colour theories when it comes to clothes. If they work for you, great. In my case, I find that it is much easier to just try things on and see how they look on me, rather than spend all those hours figuring out your ‘type’ and the..
On Elegance
Elegance is like porn: difficult to define, but you’ll know it when you see it. ‘Elegant’ is a sibling term of ‘stylish’ – another difficult-to-explain concept – that implies a certain gracefulness and sophistication, often also simplicity. I don’t think, ho..
Queen of My Castle
The Republic of Estonia turned 98 this week, with all the trappings of the anniversary of a modern state – a parade, lots of speeches, some protests and one big and many smaller parties. Countries and nations are complex and complicated constructs (and they ..
The Quiet End of All Things
The end of the year is a time of stress and loudness and running around, sweaty and annoyed. Miraculously, I feel calmer and calmer as December approaches, quiet and serene. I’ve given up on achieving some things that no longer seem necessary. I’ve become al..
Aldo Järvsoo’s Beige Perfection
My Big Boss asked me recently whether I’m blogging mostly about Estonian fashion. I said that not exclusively, but yes, quite often (in additin to topics not related to fashion at all, of course). Why, he asked. Well, partly because there are many people blo..
Elegance, Interrupted
There is a scene in The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later (by the great Alexandre Dumas) where Louis XIV remarks on the good taste of Louise de la Vallière – among the gaudily dressed nobility of the province, she is the only person with the good sense ..
The Lady Who Lunches
This title is misleading, as I’m definitely not one of the ladies who lunch – I work, I’m not rich, I don’t spend my days shopping and I haven’t had a proper lunch for weeks. What’s even more important, being a lady like that is not something I’ve ever aspir..