TagMillet Porridge with Coconut, Dates and Almonds
January was not a good cooking month for me. Unlike some other periods, I did in fact have time for it, but I was uninspired and unable to execute if some meagre amount of inspiration was found. I’m usually a pretty decent cook and while the quality of the r..
8 Things I Will Do in 2016
I’m not calling them New Year’s resolutions, as this seems to be a bad omen. But I’m a big believer in telling the whole world that I’m going to do something, so that the potential embarrassment of not doing it would keep me on the right track. Great motivat..
Persimmon Toast
I’ve returned from Spain determined to start a healthy life full of nutritious food and lots of exercise. I’m giving this enthusiasm a week or two before it fades, but even if no miraculous changes in my lifestyle will take place, I really should start eatin..
I’m sure you’ve heard WHO’s warnings about red meat in general and processed meat in particular. As the latter also includes bacon, one might wonder what to eat for breakfast now that everybody’s favourite morning food (and in my case, favourite day and even..
Viking Smoked Salt
So, from yesterday’s floor-length black lace to today’s boiled eggs with salt – that’s quite a fall. But this is how we roll on this postmodern blog! Still, if I wanted to make a point, I could say that the dress and the Viking Smoked Salt have something in ..
Persian breakfast
I have to trick myself into eating breakfast, as I usually don’t have time or I just… forget. So I must come up with things I really, really like and I really, really like everything Persian-inspried. I’m not sure Dareios would recognise my muesli as an a..