TagBest of 2024: Beauty
Like my style, my beauty consumption has also settled down. Not really to normal levels, but somewhat closer to it. Perhaps it’s simply an age thing? The most important elements of my skincare routine are Vitamin C in the morning and retinol at night, which do not change much, and then I can play around with the rest. My makeup tends to be relatively minimal (if I bother at all) and softer than in the past, so there isn’t too much to report on that front either. That said, I do have a number of things I enjoyed using this year – some new, some older. Here they are:
Things I Want: 2023 Edition
It’s this time of the year again where I think about things I want, without worrying too much about whether I can realistically buy them. As I kept adding things, the list is now rather long. I will therefore stop the introduction here and promptly proceed to present the things I want.
Things I Want: Birthday Edition
I occasionally like to write down things I am lusting after: partly as an exercise in wish-fulfilment and aspirational daydreaming, but also as a way to focus on things I really want. It is a constant goal for me to buy fewer, better things – it’s OK if they cost a bit more, if that means I will buy less random stuff that I’ll get tired of soon.
Best of 2021: Beauty, Style, Perfume
In the two years of the pandemic, my makeup, perfume and clothes purchases have slowed down – although not stopped by any means. Perhaps most irrationally, my habit of buying a few evening dresses per year is as strong as ever. But if you are expecting a proper ‘best of’ of fragrance or beauty releases, this I’m not able to provide. Still, perhaps this overview is useful as you are planning your own wardrobes or makeup buys.
10 Perfumes I Have Been Wearing Recently
Marina asked somewhere in the comments whether I was going to do a post about my autumn perfumes this year. I have to admit this isn’t quite it, it’s just an overview of things I’ve bought and worn recently, so it has more of an end-of-summer, early autumn vibe than a true, rich October-November feel. Many of these I would wear year round, though, so let’s not get too hung up on seasonality and simply talk about the scents.
Celine Eau de Californie: French Elegance in a Bottle
or perfume are somehow by default superior to things made everywhere else. This is mostly because I resent the implication that some nations are innately more ‘stylish’ than others and also because the idea of French style, as it’s stereotypically presented*, seems restrictive and elitist to me.
A (Belated) (Christmas) Wish List
This isn’t really a serious Christmas list – first of all, it’s obviously way too late for that and second, I don’t expect anyone to give me these things. It’s mostly a collection of objects I like and consider getting for myself, in case realistic. The good news is that I don’t get as excited about things as I used to; the bad news is that IF I get excited, it’s almost guaranteed to be something expensive.
November Memo: Boxing, Celine Scents & Terminator
November, one of the greatest crimes against humanity, is here. Although I have to admit the weather has been rather nice in Brussels, so it feels unfair to complain. My work situation continues to be frustrating, but there is only so much I can do about it,..
Best of 2018: Life & Style
I always like to see what really, truly works for people: even if it’s not something that would be right for me, I find it interesting and instructive. So I’ve gathered here a few of my favourite things from this year that do not fit into the best of skincar..
Workwear Wednesday: A Leopard Print Dress
I know that there is a small – but vocal! – group among the readers here who have been eagerly awaiting more leopard print. Lo and behold, here it is! I do, however, implore the leopardophobes to take a look as well: it is my firm belief that this particular..