Tag12 Perfumes for Spring
I usually like to have a concept to my posts, some over-arching idea or a point I’m trying to convey. This article has no concept whatsoever. It is just a list of fragrances I’ve worn most this spring and will keep on wearing in the near future. With 1.5 exc..
Return of the Gloss
Now, let’s make one thing clear: I had the idea for this post long before Lisa Eldridge published her take on the new glosses. I did! Honest! But I had to postpone it because of the stupid Chanel: I was waiting for their new lipsticks to reach Belgium and it..
Tropical Make-Up
Whenever I’m in a warm place, I like to use the opportunity to wear bright, colourful make-up. I do wear colour day-to-day as well, but there are some things that work much better for me when I have a slight tan. Anything coral or orange for example is almos..
Three Iris Fragrances I’d Rescue from a Burning House
Iris is perfume shorthand for elegant. Although it’s a flower, this note in perfume is not really floral – its source is the iris root that produces the ridiculously rare and expensive iris/orris butter used in fragrances. To me, the mood of iris has more in..
5+5 Autumny Autumn Fragrances
I don’t believe in perfume seasons. As with anything else, I think people should find out what works for them and then do/wear whatever they like – be it dark leathers in summer or colognes in winter. So it’s with some embarrassment that I admit to wearing q..
A Study in Khaki
Khaki is officially The Colour With The Worst Name. I doubt it sounds good in any language and in Estonian, it has an unfortunate poo-connotation that makes pre-teens giggle. To make things worse, nobody really knows what colour khaki is. Is it almost beige?..
Scents of the Day: Part 7
Last year, I did a project called Scent of the Day. For a month, every day, I talked about a scent on Facebook. I have been asked by friends to make these musings available on the blog, as it’s impossible to find anything on Facebook. So I’ll copy my mini-re..
A Pretty Restrained Travel Make-Up Kit
I was supposed to travel to Riga today, for work, but the said work has gotten so intense that all travel plans have been cancelled. This is sub-optimal, as they say, for several reasons – including the fact that I had in mind at least three travel-related p..
Follow the Rainbow
For a person who doesn’t really wear much nail polish (I do wear it on my toes, but I only change it about once a month), I certainly own quite a few bottles – around 30, I believe, despite giving them away on a regular basis. So why would I need so many? Th..
7+ Best Chanel Fragrances
Chanel clothes do nothing for me. There were a couple of seasons about a decade ago that I liked and in every collection, there is something I would love to own, but generally, Karl’s megalomania is just getting progressively more boring. If you strip away t..