TagBest of 2024: Style
My style has, unfortunately, become more boring. This is partly because I am more reasonable and practical these days: I want to be able to wear my clothes for years, which means safer bets and better quality, often resulting in more classic looks. I have also simply been drawn to quieter colour combination, whether due to the influence of Instagram’s love for neutrals or my own changing tastes, who knows. But my list on favourites can perhaps still be useful, even if shorter on – although not entirely devoid of – glamour than in some other years.
New Year, New Shapes
I have written before how the start of a new year doesn’t necessarily create a strong sense of a new beginning in me, I tend to feel that way in September, when returning to work after summer. It is certainly the case this year, as I am recovering from a meniscus operation, so the holidays have been quiet and two days after 2024 started, it doesn’t really feel like I’ve entered a new epoch.
The Best Rollneck for Layering
You know that feeling when a trend becomes ubiquitous and every magazine and Instagram influencer is trying to convince you to buy into it and you are totally on board and happy to oblige and like “yes, yes, I agree, no need to sell it to me any more” but yo..
Best Non-Beauty Buys of 2015
My original 2015 Best Buys list was completely taken over by beauty items, so here’s another one, without any beauty products. Although there are shoes.
1. Penguin Books mugs. Brussels Waterstones sells these exceptional drinking vessels and I keep going..
Gin in Teacups and Leaves on the Lawn
I’m not the world’s biggest Pete Doherty fan and quite frankly don’t know his music that well (the first is probably the logical outcome of the latter), but one of his phrases has been stuck in my head for years. In Babyshambles’ Albion, he sings: “gin in te..