TagBest of 2024: Style
My style has, unfortunately, become more boring. This is partly because I am more reasonable and practical these days: I want to be able to wear my clothes for years, which means safer bets and better quality, often resulting in more classic looks. I have also simply been drawn to quieter colour combination, whether due to the influence of Instagram’s love for neutrals or my own changing tastes, who knows. But my list on favourites can perhaps still be useful, even if shorter on – although not entirely devoid of – glamour than in some other years.
In Honour of the Hero Piece
A couple of days ago, I was wearing this Sister Jane skirt that I have had for almost ten years and I received a compliment from a stranger. In fact, I receive a compliment almost every single time I wear this item of clothing. I am not saying this to brag about the number of compliments I get, but to make a point about a certain kind of piece. Let’s call it The (unlikely) Hero Piece.
9 Ukrainian Fashion Brands to Know
Instead of writing this, I should be finalising my 2023 best-of lists for fiction and non-fiction, but have run out of energy – since December, I have been obsessively reading all the 2023 lists in the world, then putting together my own versions, then plotting my 2024 TBR and going over all the ‘most anticipated’ lists, so I just cannot face another book-themed list at the moment. I will get over it, but until then, let’s take a quick detour and talk about Ukrainian fashion.
Quiet Luxury My Ass
If you followed any style conversations in 2023, you know it has all been about quiet luxury and old money. So I am months if not years late with this post and you may be sick and tired of reading about it, but this topic still triggers me. And it’s my blog, so here we go.
The Colours of This Autumn
I rarely write about trends these days, not because I have a problem with trends per se, but because I find them harder and harder to reconcile with my attempt to buy fewer items and be less influenced by big business. I am still interested in trends, though, and in particular the bigger shifts in mood, silhouette and palette that go beyond one season.
On Holiday Wardrobe Perfection: A List
There is no such thing as a perfect holiday wardrobe, but I still spend considerable amounts of time every year trying to put one together. There is something so seductive about a well-curated set of items for a week or two. It’s difficult to get one’s entire life right, but surely one can nail that trip to Sicily! Or at least the clothes!
What I Wore for Christmas
For years, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Christmas – I guess I found it too bourgeois or something. I was never a hater either, though, and the older I get, the more I seem to appreciate this holiday of gingerbread, tinsel and Die Hard. Perhaps I’m just becoming more bourgeois myself, who knows. Or perhaps living abroad most of the time, spending time with one’s family just feels more special, Christmas or not.
How to Create a Modern Wardrobe
This is a misleading title, as I don’t really know how to create a modern wardrobe. It would be more accurate to end it with a question mark, as the following is an exploration rather than a solution, but it’s perhaps useful nevertheless. Everything, after all, begins with the right question.
This Is Not My Dress and Other Thoughts
This is going to sound arrogant (and perhaps it is), but I rarely find people whose thoughts on fashion I’m genuinely interested in. The insiders can be uncritical and take themselves way too seriously, the outsiders often don’t understand how the industry works and/or are bitter because they are outsiders. The best person to have views on style – and on most things, really – is a somewhat disillusioned (former) insider.
Workwear Wednesday Essentials Edition: Knits (ft Max Mara)
Now, this is a topic one would expect this blog to cover, as it’s certainly relevant for life in a cold climate. One could get through the year in Estonia or Belgium without a dress, but I challenge you to do the same without any knits in your wardrobe. They..