TagMy Evening Skincare Routine Now That I Am 45
This is the follow-up to my morning skincare routine that I posted a few weeks ago. Since then, the world has become even more unhinged than previously – a considerable feat – making me reconsider all the ways I spend my money. You will see a number of US brands here (The Ordinary, Glossier, Tatcha, Victoria Beckham), but I think my policy going forward will be to try to avoid them if possible. I will not be a fundamentalist about it and I may still want to support some smaller, independent US brands. The rest of the context is covered in the first post, so let’s get to the evening steps.
My Morning Skincare Routine Now That I’m 45
As I mostly write about books these days, I tend to forget that statistically speaking, it’s my skincare posts that have the most readers. I looked at my stats recently, after perhaps a year of not paying any attention, and it’s frankly insane that there are more than 100 000 people who have read me going on and on about The Ordinary. Most of the top 10 posts are about skincare, with a couple of perfume ones thrown in. So I thought it may be time for a skincare update, as it’s been almost a decade since I wrote some of these articles.
Best of 2024: Beauty
Like my style, my beauty consumption has also settled down. Not really to normal levels, but somewhat closer to it. Perhaps it’s simply an age thing? The most important elements of my skincare routine are Vitamin C in the morning and retinol at night, which do not change much, and then I can play around with the rest. My makeup tends to be relatively minimal (if I bother at all) and softer than in the past, so there isn’t too much to report on that front either. That said, I do have a number of things I enjoyed using this year – some new, some older. Here they are:
End of Summer Memo
I was planning to do an Early Autumn Memo for my re-entry into blogosphere, but it’s so warm in Brussels (up to 31 degrees expected in the coming week) that I cannot bring myself to talk about autumny stuff at the moment. Which is, in a way, good news, as I have quite a few things to share from this summer, and as they aren’t necessarily summer-specific, they may still be of use to you. So I am going to get them off my chest in this post, leaving all the talk of chocolate-coloured suede and plush perfumes for the next memo.
My 9 Favourite Cleansers of All Time
Out of all the topics I have any familiarity with, face cleansing products may be the one I know the best – with the possible exceptions of the EU economic policy coordination process, iris perfumes and feminist science fiction. I’ve tried dozens of cleanser..
March Memo: Marvel, Makeup & Melancholy
If you are following the political developments in Estonia, you might already suspect that I’m currently not in the best of moods. And you’d be right. I’m anxious and distracted and uninspired – not only because of the politics (there are other things that a..
Best of 2018: Makeup
I admit this title is misleading, as it’s in no way a comprehensive assessment of stuff that came out in 2018. Firstly, I don’t buy that much makeup any more. Mind you, I still buy much more than an average person, but I don’t test as much as I do with skinc..
Best of 2018: Skincare
It is that time of the year again. I’m going to tell you what I liked in 2018 – in beauty, books, style and everything else. It is obviously a highly subjective take, as even with my level of obsession, there is a limited amount of stuff I can try. There are..
Glossier Part 2: Makeup
In the previous Glossier post on their skincare, I talked about how it’s a very consistent, well targeted brand. This is possibly even more true for Glossier makeup: it is fresh and modern, there are no dense pigments or full-coverage products. The biggest a..
Glossier Part 1: Skin and Body Care
It’s an interesting time to talk about Glossier, as they are facing the first bumps in the road (at least in public) that has otherwise been very fast and smooth. I believe Solution is the first product they have launched that has created some serious backla..