TagThings I Want: The 2025 Edition
New year, new me, new list of things I want! Frankly, these posts are rather embarrassing to make, as they lay bare my materialistic tendencies for everyone to see. Not that they are otherwise particularly hidden, considering I’m a lifestyle blogger, but still. On the other hand, they are a good exercise in examining what one wants, what one needs and what one can afford. To be clear, there are many things on these lists that I cannot or will not buy in the end. It is a a shopping list for a richer and more stylish version of me. As I know that many readers find these lists fun, I’m continuing the tradition.
Best of 2021: Beauty, Style, Perfume
In the two years of the pandemic, my makeup, perfume and clothes purchases have slowed down – although not stopped by any means. Perhaps most irrationally, my habit of buying a few evening dresses per year is as strong as ever. But if you are expecting a proper ‘best of’ of fragrance or beauty releases, this I’m not able to provide. Still, perhaps this overview is useful as you are planning your own wardrobes or makeup buys.
Best of 2020: Skincare
I didn’t initially plan to talk about skincare favourites this year, as it seemed irrelevant. But then I realised that – unlike with makeup which I wore very little and didn’t really buy – skincare had in fact been an important part of 2020 for me and I believe for many others as well. And as I do actually have some new firm faves, let’s get to them.
9 Things I Want to Buy
“What I NEED most at the moment is a pair of boxing gloves” – this is an actual quote by me to J from two days ago. For context, let me also inform you that I uttered this sentence after complaining that I was forced to go to the doctor and spend 73 euros on..
August Memo: Gucci, Meghan and a Foaming Cleanser
I haven’t done a memo for a while – it has not been a conscious decision, it’s simply been a struggle to remain consistent recently and I also don’t want blogging to become a chore, so I don’t beat myself up too much about it. I’ve had more time over the hol..
Workwear Wednesday: The Strange Allure of Mustard vol 1
It feels ridiculous to post any clothes at the moment that go beyond bikinis, as Brussels is taking this heatwave business rather seriously. However, I realise that it’s not necessarily as warm everywhere and even if it is, at some point we’ll be back to nor..
12 Modern Classics for Your Wardrobe
I’ve said before that I’m interested in those changes in fashion that are slower than seasonal trends and I feel that I’m not alone in that. With the rise of the capsule wardrobe and concerns about sustainability, many people are wondering how to look curren..
How To Spend It: Style Investments
It may seem strange to talk about investing in clothes and accessories considering I’m currently doing my best not to buy anything. It isn’t. Nothing makes you think of buying stuff like not being able to buy stuff. Sometimes these thoughts turn rather philo..
Autumn Office Outfits vol 3: An Oversized Blazer
For most of my adult life, oversized blazers have been a thing. Sure, there have been seasons when they weren’t, like, actively trendy, but they haven’t looked wrong for about 15 years. This season they are very actively trendy, indeed – especially when grey..
How to Wear a Kimono in Two Ways
Despite my aversion to capsule wardrobes, I’m very much in favour of only buying stuff you really, really like and then wearing said stuff to death. Where I believe I differ from the majority of people is that when I say this, I’m not only thinking of your b..