TagThe Instant Update: A Skinny Scarf
Do you ever get those urges to buy something, anything, simply because everything you already own seems entirely unexciting, useless and soooo last season? No? Oh, well. But in case you do, you know these are dangerous moods that in most cases have nothing t..
Spring/Summer 2016: 9 Shows to Remember
I’ve been following the fashion weeks – thanks to the miracles of modern technology – for something like 15 years now, maybe 18. I must admit that the thrill is no longer quite the same as in the early days and there seem to be more shows and less fashion ev..
Sweater Weather
I should post more often about cold weather-related phenomena: as soon as I start taking illustrative pictures, it’ll turn sunny and warm and generally lovely. So here I am, feeling a bit awkward to write about chunky sweaters when it’s almost 20 degrees out..
Vintage Clip-On Earrings
Earrings are my favourite type of jewelry, so it figures that my ears could not stand being pierced. I suffered for years, but even tiny pure gold studs were too much for me and the piercings never healed properly. I do wear clip-on earrings, but to my const..
A Casual Dress
My enthusiasm for dresses is well documented. Dresses make total sense to me: nothing has a better effort/impact ratio, and I am both lazy and vain. That said, I do understand why people feel that a full-length white dress or a super-fitted orange one are to..
The Redemption of Gucci
Big shifts in fashion and in the landscape of fashion brands don’t happen every season. When it comes to the latter, I can think of a few in the last decade: Phoebe Philo starting at Celine, John Galliano leaving Dior, Nicolas Chesquiere moving to Louis Vuit..
A Romantic Blouse
I have delayed this post for two months now, certain that I will find an even more romantic blouse to illustrate my point. But it never happened: this 29 euro Zara version, if I remember the price correctly, was one of the first takes on the trend and I have..
H&M Studio Collection
While everyone else is talking about H&M’s beauty launch this week (or about their Balmain collaboration, possibly), I’m of course going to focus on something else entirely: their Studio Collection. It is topical, though, as the 2015 autumn/winter clothes ar..
The Wardrobe Rule That Drives Me Insane
You know how they say that you shouldn’t buy anything that doesn’t go with at least three things in your wardrobe? Well, I’m sorry to inform you that this is complete bullshit. Come to think of it, I’m actually not sorry to inform you, I’m delighted.
Elegance, Interrupted
There is a scene in The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later (by the great Alexandre Dumas) where Louis XIV remarks on the good taste of Louise de la Vallière – among the gaudily dressed nobility of the province, she is the only person with the good sense ..