TagSheer Black Tights
I’m afraid this is going to be one of those ‘solution’ posts most people think solves nothing. I’m sticking to my guns, however, as this has been a hard-won victory. I’m not a very vengeful person by nature, but I have a strong sense of justice: as child, I ..
Completely Normal
As a general rule, when people have nice photos taken of themselves, they go for a look that’s more dressed up and dramatic than their everyday outfits. For me, however, it has been the other way around: both proper shoots that I’ve done recently have been a..
The Sane Side of the Seventies
Many people have specific historic periods they gravitate towards in terms of style. In my case, people tend to assume that it’s the sixties (not that I have TOO many conversations like that, but there have been some), mostly I guess because my only remarkab..
Sitting Pretty
Pretty is generally not my thing. I’ll go for dramatic, try elegant or professional, attempt fashion or even sexy, occasionally, but not pretty. I tend to find pretty a bit boring, to be honest, and it doesn’t suit neither my personality (I’m too intense for..
Thinking of Summer
I’ve been sitting on these pictures for almost a month now, because I promised myself that my blog will not do that stupid thing where you talk about summer clothes three months before summer actually arrives. But the thing is that as this post actually invo..
My Street
Last weekend, I had in mind to shoot some streetwear-inspired pictures, to prove that my taste stretches a bit further than pink brocade skirts, pink dresses and then maybe some black dresses for variety. But when others saw the clothes I had brought to the ..
A Cheap Dress
A not infrequent dialogue in our household goes something like this:
One of my sisters: “How much did it cost?”
Me: “Oh, not that much. (pause) Relatively speaking. (pause) I mean, some things cost much more.”
I’m not an indiscriminate spender, though, ..
Fräulein of the Manor
Despite a steady diet of English literature, my first association with the word ‘manor’ is always German. Estonia is dotted with hundreds of manor houses, left behind by the Baltic-German barons when they returned to Germany before World War II.
I am cert..
A Brocade Skirt
I do realise that some people might be confused how a brocade skirt can be a solution to anything. A problem, yes, but a solution? Seriously, who wears brocade these days? Well, I do.
I in fact own three items in that venerable material, two of which are ..