TagWhat I’ve Learned From My Daughter About Style
Before my daughter was born (more than 9 years ago now), I thought I would be one of those moms who really like to dress their kids in stylish outfits, buying toddler trench coats and tiny riding boots, pale yellow cashmere jumpers and cheerful sundresses. I..
How To Spend It: Style Investments
It may seem strange to talk about investing in clothes and accessories considering I’m currently doing my best not to buy anything. It isn’t. Nothing makes you think of buying stuff like not being able to buy stuff. Sometimes these thoughts turn rather philo..
January Memo: IKEA, Sparkly Eye Shadow and Black Panther
It’s still January, so officially totally OK to issue this month’s memo – snippets that seem interesting to me and hopefully to you as well. I have labelled them clearly, so you can skip the ones that look boring!
1. Penguin Modern series. If you’ve been..
Best of 2017: Makeup, Perfume and Style
My makeup and perfume purchases slowed down considerably in 2017 and I’m not entirely sure how to tackle the style category, so I’ve combined all this into one post. Not everything here is new, but it’s all great and hopefully helpful.
Modern Dandies
For a person who blogs about style, I constantly underestimate my visual side. I don’t mean my abilities (these are moderate), but my enthusiasm for it and my need for visual inspiration. It’s mostly because I always think of myself as a words person first –..
The Blue Dress: Reflections on Shape and Silhouette
In September, I wrote about wearing colour and shared pictures of my pink Lilli Jahilo dress. However, I never got around to posting about the other dress from her Art collection that I own, as the office wear series took a while to get through. But I’m not ..
Lady of the Manor: the Erdem x H&M Collaboration
One of the first posts I wrote for the blog was Fräulein of the Manor, about a „life of delicate boredom and refined provincialness”. I said there that Lady of the Manor is a different creature who might feature in a future post. And lo and behold, that day ..
Getting Ready for Autumn: Clothes
I’m late with posting this, because work has been crazy. It has also been wonderful and exciting – I’m not here to complain. The intensity of my work life is in fact directly relevant for this post. I am not going to talk much about what I’m currently wearin..
Autumn Office Outfits vol 2: Tonal Dressing
In some ways, my workwear look number two doesn’t differ much from number one: top, skirt, exactly the same pumps. In other ways, they are opposites: the first one was all about bold colour and unexpected combinations, the second stays pretty much within one..
The Pink Dress: Reflections on Wearing Colour
There are several entirely rational reasons for not wanting to buy and/or wear colourful clothes: they date faster than neutrals; you tend to get tired of them quicker; they are more difficult to combine with other items of clothing. Often, bright colours ar..