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Best Books of 2023

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Best Books of 2023

2023 was a somewhat strange reading year for me – definitely not bad, with 166 books* finished, about 40 000 pages read and some branching out in terms of genre accomplished. But while I read many good books last year, there were perhaps fewer absolute highs than I have had in the past. I was also rather inconsistent: August and December were great with 26 and 23 books respectively (these tend to be my best months every year, simply because I have more free time due to holidays). And then there were weeks when I read only alien romance, as my brain was too exhausted from the translation work I was doing on top of my actual work to focus on anything more demanding.

My Favourite History Books: Part 1

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My Favourite History Books: Part 1

This is inspired by a (real!) request on Instagram, where the fabulously named @triestobeclassy asked me about my favourite history books. And as I have been thinking about this very topic recently, it presented the perfect excuse to put together a list. Please be mindful that this is not trying to be a ’best of’ list, there are many universally acclaimed history books I have not read and my interests can be niche. So you’ll find little among my picks on American history, the Roman Empire or WWII, while ancient and meta-history are rather well represented.

End of Summer Memo

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End of Summer Memo

I was planning to do an Early Autumn Memo for my re-entry into blogosphere, but it’s so warm in Brussels (up to 31 degrees expected in the coming week) that I cannot bring myself to talk about autumny stuff at the moment. Which is, in a way, good news, as I have quite a few things to share from this summer, and as they aren’t necessarily summer-specific, they may still be of use to you. So I am going to get them off my chest in this post, leaving all the talk of chocolate-coloured suede and plush perfumes for the next memo.

February Resolutions

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February Resolutions

I’m a weird person in the sense that I do not hate New Year’s resolutions. Of course, I don’t think they will miraculously fix all my problems, but there is something very appealing in having a reset, a fresh start. That said, I do not always feel the right energy at the beginning of the new calendar year. Often, I have this vibe in September, when I am rested after the holidays and determined to be more efficient at work and generally better at living.

Things That Help

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Things That Help

If you are a regular reader of the blog, you have undoubtedly noticed that I have not been posting anything for a while. Since the beginning of the war, I was at first unable to write and later on deeply conflicted about blogging as people kept dying in Ukraine. I am of course aware that there have been other awful things happening in the world during the years that I have had the blog, but it’s simply a fact that while many of these events (Syria and Afghanistan in particular) affected me deeply, nothing has come close to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.