CategoryLockdown Life: 6 Things I’ve Changed My Mind About Lately
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I’m sure we have all been re-evaluating things recently, from our life goals to food choices. At least personally, I don’t know anyone who’s entirely impervious to the current situation, and that makes me quite happy with my choice of fri..
Best of 2019: Science Fiction & Fantasy
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Yes, I’m aware. It’s almost the end of February, not the time you’d generally expect a best-of list for the previous year to appear. But as discussed, I’m blogging when I want to (and when I can), so end-February it is. If you’re a regula..
6 Things to Figure Out by the Time You Turn Forty
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It was my 40th birthday in the end of January and so far, there’s no mid-life spleen in sight. Rather the opposite: I’ve been in excellent mood recently and I’m excited for both my upcoming party and things I plan to do in 2020. I also fe..
11 Books I Read in January
Well, what an excellent start to the reading year. I began with a five-star book, read a good mix of fiction, non-fiction, SFF and poetry and even the books I didn’t absolutely love I was glad to have read for one reason or another. I’m also happy that I man..
Best of 2019: Fiction
While my non-fiction year was stellar and I also got through a lot of brilliant SFF (list to come), I was somewhat underwhelmed by fiction in 2019. It’s not that the fiction I read was bad, but few things really stood out. Partly, it’s my own fault: I think ..
9 Things I Want to Buy
“What I NEED most at the moment is a pair of boxing gloves” – this is an actual quote by me to J from two days ago. For context, let me also inform you that I uttered this sentence after complaining that I was forced to go to the doctor and spend 73 euros on..
Best of 2019: Non-Fiction
As repeatedly promised, I will recap my reading year and I will do it in several instalments, as there’s a lot I’d like to highlight. It was an especially good year for non-fiction: I tried to edit this list further, but it got too painful – I already had to..
8 Books I Read in October
This was a somewhat weird reading month for me, I picked up several rather random books in addition to a couple that I have been on my must-read list. No regrets, though, I enjoyed everything I read and it’s good to occasionally stray from one’s default mode..
7 Places Where to Eat in Tallinn
When bloggers say that something has been ‘highly requested’, be suspicious. But hand on heart, this post has indeed been requested by a significant number of people, both from Estonia and elsewhere. It is therefore especially important to stress that this i..
October Memo: Cillian Murphy, Victoria Beckham & Fighting Poverty
I’m late with my October memo for an unusual reason – I couldn’t think of anything exciting to write about. I can only assume it’s related to me being more stressed than usual, because as a rule, I get excited very easily. Fortunately, (some) inspiration has..