CategoryGreat Affordable Moisturisers: The Inkey List
Somewhat unexpectedly, I’m having much better luck lately with reasonably priced moisturisers than I’m having with fancy ones. I really liked what Alex Steinherr did for Primark (and Sali Huges agreed!), found CeraVe lotion to be a solid basic and now, the n..
The Best Affordable Cleanser I’ve Ever Tried
If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I’m always on the hunt for good, affordable cleansers: I consider cleansing to be of extreme importance and while I’m personally ready to pay a small fortune for a good skin-cleaning product, not everybody can or w..
Exercise Update and My Gym Morning Skincare Routine
It’s been 10 months since I started working out properly, with a personal trainer. I don’t do anything spectacular – just resistance training twice a week, with a little bit of cardio thrown in. I’ve been consistent, however, and actually train more often no..
Wardrobe Essentials: The Camel Coat
I was worried that it was too late to post this, as spring is slowly arriving even in the Northern reaches of Europe. Then a friend wrote (from Italy, of all places!) that one should always take a coat with you whenever travelling in Europe, no matter how w..
On the Sustainability of Fashion, Featuring H&M Conscious
It has taken way too long, but fashion industry is finally taking the sustainability issues seriously – although not seriously enough, yet. By fashion industry, I don’t mean just the brands: while it’s ridiculous that they’ve gotten away with doing nothing f..
How Using Retinol Changed My Skincare Routine
If you are a long-time reader of my blog, you know I always stress that my skin is not sensitive and can handle most products out there without ill effects. This is not me bragging, but warning you that what works for me may not work for you. However, as the..
Pharmacy Finds: CeraVe and Vichy
I am constantly asked to recommend affordable, decent, no-nonsense skincare products. As you know, that’s not really my strength – I tend to go for insanely expensive and unnecessarily fancy -, but as I refuse to recommend things I haven’t tried myself, I ma..
What I Do With My Hair
People have been asking me lately about things I feel entirely unqualified to talk about: morning routines, romance novels and, maybe most surprisingly, my hair. The only thing my hair has to recommend itself is its colour and that, as I’m sure you’ve notice..
5 Tricks to Look Less Messy in Winter
I said last year that I’ve been frustrated with my winter style: on one hand, I’m always cold, on the other, I like to look pretty streamlined and sharp – two things not easy to reconcile. This has made me think of how to look more put together in the cold. ..
What to Wear in The Lord of the Rings
I was a big daydreamer as a child, a combination of not having an overabundance of friends, an active imagination and reading more than was probably strictly healthy. When I was very small, I read so many fairytales (in addition to the usual suspects like th..