CategoryCheap Skincare: Alessandra Steinherr x Primark
I had never been inside a Primark store until this autumn, when Alessandra Steinherr launched her skincare line for the brand. For those of you that don’t spend silly amounts of time on Instagram checking people’s skincare routines: she is a former Glamour m..
Cheap Skincare: The Inkey List
There is no denying that I love my luxury skincare and I’m sure I always will. But I do keep trying affordable stuff on the side: partly because of the blog, partly because I think in some categories there isn’t much point in spending outrageous amounts and ..
Glamour in a Cold Climate: Part Two
My mission to rewear and restyle my dresses continues, with bonus points awarded if I manage to be Autumn-appropriate. The pink slip dress by Riina Põldroos that starred in the first post of the series was in fact part of a two-layer dress that I deconstruct..
Glamour in a Cold Climate: Part One
Blogging about style makes it really difficult not to buy clothes. (No shit, Sherlock.) Seeing clothes is the reason people come to a style blog – in my case it’s one of several reasons, but it’s still a major one – and who wants to see the same clothes over..
Warm Weather Skincare Routine
As the heatwave continues (it’s going to be 37 degrees in Brussels today), I have been contemplating my skincare routine. I fully understand when people do not want to put anything on their skin in this heat and if you can get away with cleansing, a hydratin..
Lunch in the Heat
Brussels is experiencing an unusually warm summer and this is not an overstatement: temperatures have been around 30 degrees Celsius for weeks now. I have vowed never to complain about the weather being too warm and I’m not about to start now. I love it. I m..
Workwear Wednesday: The Summer Dress Edition
Many women find dressing for work especially challenging in summer. I’m not necessarily among them, but I see how one could feel like this. Especially in a more conservative environment, it can be difficult to strike the right balance between staying cool an..
A Perfect Summer Cologne: Chanel Paris-Deauville and Friends
A perfumista’s life tends to go through phases: frantically sampling and testing all the perfumes in the world; buying everything that seems interesting; being disillusioned and bored with the entire scent thing; cutting down the collection and only wearing ..
Jordan Samuel Skincare
May is not going to be a great month for blogging around here, as you may have already realised: it’s busy at work and it’ll only get worse; I’ve lost my iPad and this messes with my writing and posting big time (I have no computer at home) and my partner ha..
A Great Mainstream Cleanser: Origins Jelly
My skincare obsession has been less in evidence recently, because I haven’t been buying as much as usual. In fact, since my Glossier haul, I’ve only bought a couple of bits and pieces and have been using up my (still too big) existing stash. There are, howev..