A Dispatch From The Edge Of The Summer

A Dispatch From The Edge Of The Summer

I was rather shocked to realise that I haven’t blogged since May. That wasn’t intentional, but it’s been a weird summer. The first half was busy at work and I spent a good chunk of the second half down with a virus (not THAT one, fortunately). I also didn’t feel a strong urge to write or if I did, it wasn’t stuff suited for the blog.

Most of my routines are in ruins: I have trained, but not as consistently as I would like. While in Estonia, my 10 000 step rule went out of the window. I didn’t manage to continue my French lessons and even keep forgetting the Duolingo, which really shouldn’t be such a difficult habit to maintain. There was a period where I very rarely posted on Instagram and I, obviously, abandoned the blog. My headphones were stolen in the beginning of the summer, so I have not been able to listen to audiobooks, which I really miss.

All is not lost, though. August has been a really good reading month for me (as were the first five months of the year, I’m at 107 books by now) and I will do an overview of everything I read for the Women in Translation Month – it’s been a great project. I’m not sure I will return to the monthly wrap-ups here, simply because if I read 15 or sometimes even 20 books a month, the posts become too long and a bit of a slog to write. If you want a complete overview of my reading, Goodreads is the best place to follow. I do want to write some thematic lists, though, and perhaps some stand-alone reviews.

I also have some clothes that I would like to show you. I have managed to secure a yellow raw silk cape by Aldo Järvsoo that really deserves to be captured. And I’ve collected a few other Pieces during the pandemic, so I’ll try to get them down on film if the health situation allows. Fragrances are fortunately easier to photograph and I have some newness there as well that I must share with you.

As tends to happen every time I’m away for a longer time, I was reminded again that the blog does serve a function. I get often asked about books and skincare and fragrances and it’s very convenient if I have blogposts I can refer people to. It’s of course also just nice that people are interested in my views and recommendations. Apart from a certain internal compulsion to write, this is by far my biggest motivation for having the blog.

In this vein, if there is something you’d like me to write about, tell me in the comments. I also want to practice writing in Estonian, as I do it so rarely these days. I have therefore turned my personal Instagram account (@ykkinna) into a little laboratory, where I plan to post some musings in my native tongue. If that’s interesting for you, follow me there and drop me a DM as well – it’s a private account now and I want to keep it exclusively for real-life friends and people who follow the blog.

How was your summer? Are you excited for the new season? 




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  1. 1

    I understand that you can’t have a comprehensive post on everything you’ve read during the year but maybe the books that have been particularly remarkable (disappointing)? I am always looking forward to your best ofs and although I follow you on Good Reads I largely prefer the succinct blog form 🙂

    • 2

      I will definitely do the end-of-year best ofs again and there are books I already want to write about now, but I have to figure out the format.

  2. 3

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve been unwell – I really hope you’re feeling much better now.

    I’ve been checking in periodically to see if you had updated the blog – it’s one of only two that I follow, and I love your mix of posts. But, of course, I’ve been getting my fix on the book front with Goodreads and have added Drive Your Plow on my to-read list.

    This summer I graduated from the couch to 5k app and have developed a pretty consistent running practice. I’m now at the stage where my breathing is much easier and I can finally concentrate on audiobooks. I’m currently listening to Ducks Newburyport, and finding it much more accessible than when I tried to read it on paper.

    Happy to see you back here 🙂

    • 4

      Oh, thank you so much. I know I say it every time when someone compliments the blog, but it really does motivate me like nothing else. I don’t need overflowing praise, but the fact that intelligent, interesting women like to read what I write is a great feeling (and tends to make me teary-eyed, right now being a case in point). I feel much better and have been training properly this week, which has massively improved my mood. I’m very impressed with your running, very glad it works for you! And the walking/running and audiobook combo really is genius in my view, the best ‘productivity hack’ around.

      I hope you like the Tokarczuk, it’s probably not for everyone, but I think that even if it’s not exactly your thing, you’d appreciate it.

  3. 5

    I love your blog. It´s a rare combination of love for fashion/beauty/perfumes + inteligency. Glad, you didn ´t quit and have the urgency to continue!!

  4. 9

    I like it when you write about fashion/fragrance/skincare aka “frivolous things” and then turn it into a cultural critique with a few glimpses of personal experiences all the while upholding the relevance and fun of the original subject and doing a fine job of it. 🙂

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