Workwear Wednesday: Streamlined Knits
When someone says ‘knitwear’, I automatically think of something cosy and big and chunky. There are, of course, other types of knitted items that don’t fit that description and I in fact wear them often: my polonecks and fitted cashmere sweaters belong in that category. For some reason, however, this is not what I consider typical knitwear.
Similarly, I tend not to associate knits with the office, despite wearing them to work very often. We are so conditioned to think that proper workwear means tailoring and structure that we sometimes ignore our own experience. Knits of course make perfect sense for work, especially in autumn and winter: they are warm and extremely comfortable and can look sharp, if you want them to. The pleated skirt here is a case in point, I think it has a very clean, slightly mod vibe.
Today’s outfit is nothing special, more a reminder of the concept (that you can wear head-to-toe knits) than a stunning look. I do like the long and lean silhouette – it’s something I enjoy in general, but it’s not necessarily associated with knits. You could easily swap the short-sleeved top for a slim turtleneck and it would probably work even better. I cannot think of many work places where this combo would be too casual, but it’s effortless to wear.
The most important thing about this look, however, is the footwear. The elastic detail looks a bit like a ribbed knit, so the boots fit the theme perfectly; I adore the colour and the shape. They are less extreme than the Balenciaga knife boots, but more elegant than almost anything else currently in shops.
This is one of those looks I put together with the help of H&M showroom and I’ve been sitting on it for months, waiting for the boots to become available. They are online now and I’ve put in an order. At 50 euros, I expect these to be one of my best buys of this autumn.
What’s your relationship with knitted things? Do you prefer oversized or fitted or both?
Top by Zara (my own), skirt and boots by H&M (borrowed for the shoot), MUAH Grete Madisson, image Liina Jasmin.
I have no words for how much I love this look. It has a mod and cool grownup sophosticated vibe. Fitted knitwear is my favourite type of knitwear, besides oversized cardigans. It would work perfectly with a turtleneck too but the short sleeves make it more modern. But I can’t stop looking at your hair! The length, the texture, it’s absolutely perfect!
Oh, thank you! it’s so interesting how sometimes people respond so strongly to something you yourself don’t necessarily think is that amazing. It is always such a nice surprise and has happened repeatedly with this look for some reason…
Over all Joan Didion vibe in these pictures!
That’s some compliment… Thank you!
The last photo was very ingenious. I liked how the background mimicked elements of your outfit.
(Following up on Goop, all these vaginal steaming, gold vibrators and jade eggs are not her original inventions and some of them predate Goop. Snake oil salesmen have been around for a long time, yet the media, old and new, lavish so much attention on Gwyneth Paltrow for selling the same old crap, sometimes uncritically even enthusiastically when she has no expertise on the subjects she discusses and at times doesn’t even write very convincingly. As a former e-newsletter subscriber, I own up to slogging through the woo-woo wellness ones along with the fun frivolous fashion and travel because I was so enamored by the lifestyle, but I still didn’t buy into that part of Goop. So why do consumers trust her so much? Is their good judgment blinded by the glossy aspirational lifestyle? Shouldn’t everyone by now be wary of perfect seeming lives?
Thank you! The choice of location was rather random, but in the end worked quite nicely!
Regarding all types of fake wellness: it’s clearly not just Gwyneth, people (me included, sometimes) are buying into all sorts of crap. The society is unhinged, everybody is bewildered and old authorities are no longer trusted. I think we are just trying to figure out how to live in this modern, overwhelming world. Gwyneth is just one conspicuous example, there’s so much else out there, some of it massvely worse. But certainly, it helps that she is famous, pretty and seems like a fun person when not she is not seeming actively insane.
Sorry, I got sidetracked yet again from my main point: Goop is just another snake oil salesman, ignore it especially since it knows how to exploit bad publicity very well just like another tall rich blond named Trump
We support rants and digressions on this site. And no worries, I’ve been ignoring her for some time. It’s unfortunately more difficult to ignore Trump…
Fantastic outfit. I couldn’t believe the skirt was from H&M. The styling makes it look much more luxurious. I also like the clean lines. My personal challenge is how to avoid knitwear looking bulky when I have curves. You don’t quite get the same silhouette even with more delicate knit wear.
Thank you! And H&M has some really nice things, but it takes some digging – not everything is of great quality and interesting design. And I hear you regarding the silhouette, although I’m not much help here, as obviously I have no curves. Sometimes I think it helps to go with things that are clearly meant to be bulky/slouchy, like the mustard sweater/pencil skirt combo I posted recently. You nip it in at the waist, creating some definition, and the volume on top will look intentional, rather than frumpy. But I fully realise that some things are more challanging for certain body types. I’m also helped by my height, especially when I add heels.