Sweater Weather

Sweater Weather

I should post more often about cold weather-related phenomena: as soon as I start taking illustrative pictures, it’ll turn sunny and warm and generally lovely. So here I am, feeling a bit awkward to write about chunky sweaters when it’s almost 20 degrees outside. But the posting schedule is sacred and I’m sure it’ll be cold and unpleasant very soon anyway.

When I was something like 12 or 13, my favourite outfit consisted of black leggings, black flat shoes (no heels allowed yet) and a seriously oversized Puma sweatshirt. Because or despite of this early formative experience, I have had a fondness of slouchy tops ever since. I like how they fall off the shoulder and generously obscure everything except my best features – the neck and the legs.

Sweater Weather Essentials

I like both proper sweaters and sweater dresses, unfortunately the cashmere dress by Joseph I really liked is sold out, so I have to make do with this Zara knit (on the plus side, robust cable knits are much more this season than polished cashmere). As you can see, it’s not long enough to be worn as a dress unless you are in your own home and can carefully control every angle. Despite this shortcoming, it fulfils other criteria important for sweater weather wear: it’s comfortable, cosy and warm and if you want, it can be sensual. Great for lounging with some tea and a book, but also appropriate when one feels feminine and … well, sexy. Just add cigarette pants when outside the house.

Which brings me to the hosiery on this picture. A while ago, I talked about sheer tights making a come-back and since then, Vogue has also confirmed I was right. Happily, Wolford has now brought out 5 den tights that I’m wearing here. These are much better than their 8/10 den ones – almost as sheer as I want, elastic, no saggy knees. They are expensive, but if you’re determined to sport the sheer black look, you know where to get the goods.

On The Couch


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  1. 1

    Very good news about the sheer black tights. I’m with you on those, as I think they’re the best option when opaque black tights don’t look right. I find that the Wolford tights last long enough to justify the price, also–although I can always find a justification for buying a premium product that calls my name.

    • 2

      I know, I always find a way, too. I bought the Louboutin lipstick, after all… But if you see them anywhere, I recommend checking out MaxMara’s tights – also great quality, but something like half the price.

  2. 3
    susanne grund

    Love a cashmere-sweater! As I live in Sweden they are useful all year round…
    I have found that the ones from Zara are good quality at that price point: mine have held up really well despite years and years of wearing them.

    • 4

      I have quite a few Zara cashmere sweaters and I think the quality can vary a bit, but it’s often good. The other advantage is that they occasionally do pretty modern shapes, so the risk of looking like an ageing socialite is markedly reduced.

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