Masque Milano Russian Tea

Masque Milano Russian Tea

It is in fact against the blog rules to have two perfume posts so close to each other: I just had the Scents of the Day story on Friday, so this one is definitely too soon. But I’m in the mood for this particular review, partly because I’ve just purchased the scent and partly because I’m still under the influence of Saturday’s tea party.

Russia is a country that inspires more clichés than most others put together. Some of them are dangerous, but some I just cannot resist: samovars, snow and Pushkin will probably work on me until I die. So it is absolutely no wonder that I was drawn to Russian Tea – not only is it called Russian Tea, but it’s based on a quote from Eugene Onegin: “Day faded; on the table, glowing,the samovar of evening boiled…”

It smells pretty much as you’d expect it to smell: of smoke and black tea. It isn’t very heavy, however, I find it completely wearable for day. It’s probably the effect of the slightly fruity notes, raspberry and magnolia – the latter often reminds me of apples. If you imagine a cup of tea with some raspberry jam as a sweetener, you can pretty much imagine how this smells. I came to this mental picture completely independently and was so proud of myself, until I realized it is also exactly what they say in the description on the web site.

Russian Tea is remarkably close to that description, now that I’ve read it. This is a pleasant change in the perfume world where blurbs either make no sense at all or bear no resemblance to the actual fragrance. The only thing I don’t really smell much of is the promised mint in the top notes, but many others do, so I’m willing to blame my nose.

Last Saturday, when we were having tea and Pavlovas in a Russian-inspired restaurant, I was wearing Cuir de Russie (and running around like a lunatic, spraying, to scent the room). Next time, I’ll go with Russian Tea. It works with the theme, smells good and I think a touch of masculinity will work well in an all-female environment.


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  1. 1

    I’m all for breaking rules. 🙂
    It’s very odd, but for some reason I don’t explore tea scents. I don’t think I have an aversion, but perhaps some old memory is lurking about in my subconscious. Russian Tea certainly does sound nice.

    • 2

      I don’t think about tea scents as a separate category, really. This one I’d group with other smoky and leathery scents, rather than tea fragrances. And there are a couple of green tea perfumes I like, but they are basically colognes in my mind.

  2. 3

    Agree with Holly, this perfume does sound lovely (and the bottle intrigues me as well), and nothing wrong with an extra perfume post 🙂 !!!!

    • 4

      If you happen to like what I call the Library Scents (smoke, leather, tobacco, alcohol, wood), this might be interesting to try. And the bottle is nice, but it doesn’t come cheap.

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