Probably the Most Expensive Matches in the World

Probably the Most Expensive Matches in the World

One of my first blog entries last spring was called 4+ Things I Definitely Don’t Need. After a little detour to The Land of Reasonably Priced Objects, my love for the superfluous returns with a vengeance in today’s post, where I’m covering possibly the most frivolous thing I have ever bought.

Matches in themselves are of course extremely functional items, but one would be hard-pressed to claim that these luxuriously scented, 22 cm long Cire Trudon matches that cost 15 euros a box are essential for mankind’s survival. Nobody NEEDS matches like these. That said, I don’t understand why some people feel personally offended when others spend money on things like that. I can afford them. It’s my own money. I find matches – even expensive matches – much less objectionable than, let’s say, guns or boring diamonds or excessive contouring. I never roll my eyes when people buy cars and TVs, things that I consider absolutely unnecessary and that cost WAY more than matches. So can I just enjoy my matches in peace, please?

Tea Light for Size

It’s not only the Cire Trudon matches I’ve got a thing for, I like long matches in general. Jo Malone has nice ones, as does the Senteurs d’Ailleurs perfume shop in Brussels. They look elegant, make lighting scented candles easy and… Well, I just like them. But Cire Trudon isn’t the world’s oldest candle maker for nothing and their matches are in a league of their own – longer and more refined, in amazingly illustrated boxes and they smell beautiful. If you want, you can scent a drawer or even a small room by leaving the box open.

There are five different scents, I own Madeleine that is a pretty classic fragrance with iris, rose, jasmine and leather. It’s about seven times more sophisticated than most things you can buy at an average perfume counter. Abd el Kader shares the scent with Trudon’s bestselling candle – a very nice green tea and mint combination. If I could choose again, I would probably go for the tobacco and leather smell of Ernesto, but it wasn’t available when I did my Christmas shopping (these matches make excellent small gifts for people who always have nicer things than you).

I will of course get a box of Ernesto at some point. Or two. I’ve got all that money to spend that I’m not spending on a TV.

Cire Trudon Matches


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  1. 1

    Those are beautiful and I support your purchase. I don’t need boring diamonds or a new car. For me, it’s the small luxuries that are such a joy. On another note, I just purchased the Sunday Riley ceramic slip cleanser after creeping through your blog. I am so excited to try it!

  2. 2

    A nice candle definitely is enhanced by having nice matches to light it with! I’m already wondering how you will re-purpose the box. I have a weird thing for containers – boxes, bowls, bottles.
    And those Hermes origami horses …

    • 3

      I have the same thing with pretty tins and boxes and it’s getting a bit out of hand. I had to steel myself today and throw away some Pierre Marcolini boxes: they are beautiful, but we buy them often and even I cannot come up with a good enough reason to have ten of them lying around…

      That origami horse is on my birthday list.

  3. 4
    Barbara Lee

    I’m with you on buying what makes you happy! €15.00 is horrendous price for matches, but worth every penny if they make you smile when you see them?. Unfortunately the shipping to Ireland is €21.00 so makes it too extravagant for me right now. But, never say never! I love the origami horse too! I love your blog as well.

    • 5

      Thank you for your kind words, Barbara Lee!

      Yes, with that shipping cost it doesn’t really make sense to order. I got mine when I orderd a huge quantity of Cire Trudon candles and matches as Christmas presents – that made the shipping cost pale in comparison 🙂 If you have a shop nearby that carries CT candles, it’s worth checking if they have the matches, too.

  4. 6
    Lars Jone Larsen

    I was just looking around on the net for the most exclusive and expensive matches,when your blog caught my eye.Now you have probably got me hooked on matches,I guess. On a last note:I actually do origami-The really advanced ones,such as the full bodied frog-which I exhale a small breath of air into,to inflate it.And I definitely support your self indulgence. It is important to allow for some luxury,clearly the opposite in extreme is detrimental.

    • 7

      Lars, what a lovely comment – so glad you stopped by! And I agree with you on luxuries, although I understand that for many people, luxuries are not available or are very rare and small (as they used to be for me in Soviet Estonia). But finding something beautiful to enjoy just for the sake of it is important for humans, I think. And it makes me sad and angry when it’s denied to people, whatever the reason – it is not a frivolity, it’s a human right.

      Can I see your origami work somewhere?

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