Unphotogenic Leeks with Moderately Ugly Blue Cheese

Unphotogenic Leeks with Moderately Ugly Blue Cheese

This is a deeply unfair picture: braised leeks are among the most sad-looking things in the world and Gorgonzola isn’t really helping, but the taste is heavenly. So this is a lesson for us not to be shallow and to value substance over appearance. It’s also the next chapter of The Humble Vegetable project, my quest for vegetable-based dishes that I sincerely, truly like.

Sadly, I’m rubbish with recipes, especially when it comes to quantities. I made this last night with the specific aim of providing you with precise, exacting instructions. But then we had a friend visiting and I completely forgot to measure the amount of water I added. I always cook it in an intuitive manner that works fine for me, but isn’t particularly helpful when trying to share the recipe.

Anyway, more-or-less: take four leeks and slice or chop them into comfortable pieces. Heat a generous tablespoon of butter in a smallish saucepan and fry the bits briefly. Add some water or white wine (how much? who knows, but it doesn’t need to cover the leeks entirely), turn the heat very low and simmer until the leeks are extremely tender and the water is gone. Crumble blue cheese over the top, stir and let it melt.

If you want a richer version, add cream instead of water: that tastes wonderful even without any cheese. Garlic and/or herbs can be added if you wish, but it’s not necessary. You can also make a variation of the dish in the oven. I use my small cocottes: I fill them half-way with leeks, add cream to cover the bottom, put pieces of cheese on top (I think blue works best, but goat cheese is also great) and keep in the oven at 180 degrees for… well, some time.


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  1. 1

    Hi Anniky, my favourite kind of recipe, quick, easy peasy (esp. considering my non existent energy levels currently), no measurements and undoubtedly delicious. And I have both leeks and gorgonzola in my fridge, butter (ghee) and cream are staples. So my meal is set! Thank you.

      • 3

        It turned out delicious, I used half chickenbroth half cream, and added some mushrooms I found…and then decided to make a one pan meal out of it by adding 4 eggs. My husband licked his fingers so to speak. I haven’t recovered unfortunately, this may take a lot longer than I would wish, Epstein Barr infection at my age is so rare, and it just really knocks the legs out of under you energywise. I am tremendously lucky to work for our own company, from home, with a lot of freedom and I can work at more or less therapeutic levels…we will open our second studio in Brussels BTW, on the Avenue Louise, possibly this year! fit20.be You may just be our ideal customer, let me know what you think if you have time and feel like having a look at the concept on our website, but please don’t if you don’t, no strings whatsoever.

        • 4

          I’m very happy that it worked well and mushrooms and leeks is another good combo. I had to look up Epstein Barr infection: how annoying that it just wouldn’t leave you alone! And I will check out the web site, too, this looks to be a much nicer topic.

  2. 5

    I love leeks and this sounds like perfection. I tend to not measure and just wing it in the kitchen myself. It’s just more fun that way, and of course not having to pull out more equipment and then have to wash it certainly enhances the whole experience. 🙂

    • 6

      For a confident cook like you, this recipe of course doesn’t need any precise measurements. But it’s so easy and delicious that I want even less confident cooks to try it!

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