September Memo: Dark Academia
I first heard about the Dark Academia aesthetic about two years ago and for once, I was sad that I’m not a teenager in this day and age (mostly I’m extremely grateful to have grown up pre-social media and before all kinds of standards became absolutely ridiculous). I would have been ALL OVER this subculture in my teens – I mean: Reading! Tweed blazers! The Dead Poets Society!
Four Great Moisturisers for Different Budgets and Skins
I admit I’m becoming increasingly wary of talking about elaborate and expensive skincare. I know, you are all perfectly capable of making up your own minds regarding if and what kind of skincare you want to use. But it’s also true that any article on this topic, no matter how well-intentioned, contributes to the overall pressure that we put on women to ‘look good’ – and spend a significant amount of money in the process.
Celine Eau de Californie: French Elegance in a Bottle
or perfume are somehow by default superior to things made everywhere else. This is mostly because I resent the implication that some nations are innately more ‘stylish’ than others and also because the idea of French style, as it’s stereotypically presented*, seems restrictive and elitist to me.
A Dispatch From The Edge Of The Summer
I was rather shocked to realise that I haven’t blogged since May. That wasn’t intentional, but it’s been a weird summer. The first half was busy at work and I spent a good chunk of the second half down with a virus (not THAT one, fortunately). I also didn’t feel a strong urge to write or if I did, it wasn’t stuff suited for the blog.
The Days of Trendlessness
These pictures were taken almost a year ago and with a charitable outlook, you could still use them to illustrate a fresh piece of writing on current trends (which I am, sort of, doing). The colour story is certainly up to date: there are massive amounts of lilac, brown and yellow around at them moment, although the latter should be slightly mellower than the colour of my Bottega mules.
On Reading Too Much
I do realise that this is probably going to be my least relatable post of all time – and my posts include one about a perfume that costs 400 euros and several about wearing evening gowns at every opportunity.
Current Skincare Routine
I have procrastinated with posting, because during the last weeks, I had a vague feeling that I should write something feminist. I follow mostly the UK and Estonian media and both have recently been filled with stuff that reminds one why fighting for women’s and girls’ rights and contributing to patriarchy-smashing is important (for those who are not Estonian: #metoo has finally landed in earnest there with some seriously disturbing cases featuring underage girls – and boys, too).
10 Fragrances I Cannot Live Without
The title is of course a lie – I am currently out of at least two perfumes mentioned here and I am still very much alive (although perhaps this explains my recent health troubles…). But a follower on Instagram asked me to provide such a list and I thought: why not? I have enough experience with wearing and paying attention to perfume by now to select scents that I’m reasonably confident I’ll not change my mind about any time soon.
On Pain and Other Disabilities
I woke this morning* a little past four with searing pain and horrible cramps. I used to have extremely unpleasant periods when I was younger, but they have gotten better with time and age, to the point that I hardly notice the discomfort these days (the fact that I consider the feeling of someone stabbing me with a knife from below at random moments to be an entirely acceptable thing to experience on a regular basis probably says something about the way women are conditioned in a patriarchal society, but never mind). In fact, I had forgotten it so thoroughly that I didn’t even have suitable painkillers at home when ’women’s trouble’ struck this night.
The Best Books of 2020 I Haven’t Yet Read (Science Fiction & Fantasy)
Compared to 2019, which was an incredible year for genre reads, my 2020 wasn’t quite as special. That said, there were several books I had really been looking forward to, but didn’t manage to read when they were published, so it’s possibly my own fault. This makes it even more important to comb through the best-of lists and get to at least some of the last year’s books this year.