There are very few universal truths: as far as I’m aware, there are two. First, more books is better than less books. Second, whenever you are in a place that sells make-up, skin care or perfume, you must ask for samples. When I’ll finally get to writing that ‘how-to-live’ manual to stop people from living their lives so completely wrong, I think this will be the title. And I’ll have the t-shirts and the coffee mugs.

I realize that my enthusiasm for samples exceeds the average enthusiasm people feel for samples. In fact the more I blog, the more I realize that my enthusiasm for most things (with the possible exception of olives and Giorgio Armani Si) exceeds the average. Still, even if you don’t feel irrational fondness for samples, they do make so much sense, especially if you’re planning to buy something expensive or going on a short trip.

Unless you have unlimited funds, do not buy a serum or a foundation or a perfume without thoroughly trying it out before. If you can help it, do not buy anything without sampling. This is not me being crazy about samples, this is me being practical. You can ask me what happened when I bought a Guerlain foundation last week after only briefly testing it out on the back of my hand. I will not tell you.

Box of Samples

So, here’s my easy-to-follow guide to asking for samples:

1. Do not forget to ask for a sample. This one seems pretty obvious, but even an old sample-hound like me occasionally simply forgets to ask. This, my friends, is called a wasted opportunity.
2. Be prepared. Your success rate will improve dramatically when you know what you’d like to try and ask for it specifically. Every time I get offered some samples and I say something vague like “oh, just give me something interesting”, I end up with a vial of Giorgio Armani Si (see above). I think beauty corporations have these clever machines that will scan you and automatically figure out which sample you’d like the least.
3. Show your know-how. If you are knowledgeable about the thing you’re buying, let it show (in a nice way). In many cases, the Sales Assistant will warm to you and understand that of course you must go and try this 200-euro retinol serum at your leisure. I have walked out of a Chanel boutique, of all places, with a handful of samples I didn’t even ask for, as I bonded with the SA over our love for 28 La Pausa.
4. Make them do it. If you really want it, but they don’t have a sample, make them prepare you one. This doesn’t work everywhere, so you have to do some research, but if you are serious, go for it. It’s again much easier if you have a good relationship with the SA, but this is a whole other topic in itself.
5. Ask when you’re buying. If you feel uncomfortable just asking for samples (I feel your pain, I’m Estonian), make sure to at least use the occasions when you buy something. If the first rule is to always ask for samples, the second one is to most definitely always always no exceptions ask for samples when you’ve made a purchase. Seriously, please stop feeling bad about it.

Getting samples is not about L’Oreal Group doing you a favour. It’s about you doing them a favour, using your precious skin time trying their product and possibly, at some point, doing them the ultimate favour and buying it. This is in fact the reason samples exist.


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  1. 1

    And I want a t-shirt and tea mug once you get them in production!
    As a person who has been perfume obsessed since the 1970s I was incredibly spoiled in the sense that samples of everything (not just perfume but all beauty products) were handed out freely and readily many years ago…the premise being that if you try it and like it you would come back to purchase the full sized product…this was so true for me, especially with fragrances. If a fragrance was heavily promoted each and every time you walked into any department store you were give a sample of it….without even having to ask!
    Nowadays with samples being SOLD online you practically have to beg for a sample in a store…I have even heard of SAs hoarding samples and then selling them for a profit on ebay….maybe if we perfumistas stopped buying samples the perfume industry might start supplying us once again with free ones.
    My solution is to ask for a sample first and if the SA says there are none available bring your own empty vials and make your own samples….in my youth I would have been mortified to be seen doing this but now I don’t care anymore ….during my last trip to a big metropolitan city I procured over thirty samples that I made on my own (kept them in separate bags by houses (ie: Jo Malone, Annick Goutal, Guerlain, Chanel) and as soon as I got home sniffed them all and pretty accurately guessed which was which based on notes so that I could label them all for future reference). Ironically, I really don’t see myself as rebellious/a rule breaker but I guess in this circumstance I truly was !

      • 3

        Feel free! I cannot rant back at the moment, as I’m just finishing work (it’s an hour to Midnight here), so I have to respond to you tomorrow…

        • 4

          Oh do get some sleep!
          And if I don’t get the chance to read your response have a wonderful weekend (it is Friday now for me 🙂 !!!!)

          • 5

            Thank you! Had to work today, too, but at least not the entire day. And I received Lys Fume as a present, so a good day overall 🙂

    • 6

      I am very proud of you for making all those samples :)! And impressed that you could recall what was what, I always think I will know later what I sprayed on the blotters and on my skin, but I almost always forget. Considering how much the prices of perfume and skin care have gone up, I think it’s unacceptable not to provide samples.

  2. 7

    As usual, you are absolutely right! And when you’re not, I’ll let you know. Thank goodness you’re writing the definitive how-to-live manual as I’m just too lazy to do so, but I certainly like to give advice and tell people what to do. I’m very helpful in that regard. 😉

    I have 18 books waiting to be picked up at the library, and thank goodness because I only have 2 here that I haven’t gotten to and I feel a bit anxious. Is this an addiction?

    Samples. You know what I do with them? Squirrel them away somewhere and then when I get overwhelmed I give them away. It is never my intention to behave in this manner. You may certainly now tell me what to do. 🙂

    • 8

      It is addiction, yes, but it’s one I highly recommend (a chapter in the manual: If You Are Going To Be Addicted To Something, Make Sure It’s Books). I have now reached a point when I buy more books than I read. Every month, sometimes twice a month, I go to the Brussels Waterstones and buy more-or-less everything I want. I’m sure some people think it’s excessive, but I never, ever regret spending on books. And even if some of them remain unread, I don’t mind. I browse them all and I enjoy being surrounded by books. Also, you never know when the urge strikes to read THAT specific book.

      With samples, proceed in whatever way you think best, I see nothing wrong with your process 🙂 Unless it causes you distress, in which case of course we need to think of something. But I believe there’s no use pretending this perfume hobby is rational in any way, so let’s just enjoy our strange ways.

  3. 9

    Ooh! btw I just ordered the Mizon Hyaluronic Acid. I saw Rachel’s comment about another place to purchase it, and then decided to check ebay. I found a US seller so I won’t have to wait for shipping from S. Korea, but the prices on that site are great and they’re having a sale.

    • 10

      I would also recommend amazon…I plan on purchasing a pure hyaluronic acid with three ingredients- water, HA and a natural preservative made from beets…I believe the two ounce bottle is twenty one dollars…from what I have been reading and from what my daughter has been informing me about some of the other serums are made with fillers, fragrances and less concentration of HA…so I am looking at one with less ingredients that is also more natural.

    • 11

      Exciting! Let me know how it goes. I’ve been using it a lot lately: work is extremely demanding right now and my usually well-behaved skin is crazy with stress and hormones. Mizon is one of the things that at least doesn’t make things worse and keeps the worst dehydration at bay.

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