The Summer Schedule

The Summer Schedule

I started blogging only five months ago, but it feels like I’ve been doing it forever. In a good way. Maybe because I had planned this for ages and therefore it seems like an absolutely natural part of my life.

Since March, I’ve been posting 6 days a week. I have posted despite the totally insane work hours, one time going home from the office at 3AM and still getting up at 7AM, writing the post, taking the pictures and putting it all online. I have only missed one day, at the height of the Greek crisis, when I was so completely exhausted that I simply could not keep my eyes open (and you kind of need to be conscious for blogging).

I am telling you this not to brag – although I must admit I’m pretty impressed with my own discipline – but to explain why I’m moving to the summer schedule as of today. I know it doesn’t look like much, but blogging does require a significant amount of time and energy. I love doing it, but I also need to rest. I’m leaving for holidays in a few hours, going to Estonia to see my family and friends, to read and to cook and to generally lounge about.

So for the rest of August, I’ll be blogging three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and if I don’t have access to the Internet, possibly even less. If you feel like seeing more of me, like me on Facebook or Instagram (@lifeinacoldclimate), where I’ll be likely to share stuff more often, as it requires less effort.

During the past 5 months, there have been 10 000 people visiting Life in a Cold Climate (OK, about a third of them I owe to Amanda Palmer for sharing this, but still) and I find this quite amazing. Even better, most people who come actually stay for a while and read things. There’s also a core group of regular readers to whom I’m eternally grateful for sticking with me and making it all worthwhile.

I hope at least some of you will still be here in the autumn and I’m already looking forward to writing about September style, berry lips, hearty stews and serious books.

Thank you for reading.



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  1. 1

    I hope you have a wonderful vacation! You certainly deserve it.
    Thank you for doing this blog – it’s been a highlight of my days and I’m so glad to have found it, and you. You’re a gem! 🙂

    • 2

      Dear Holly, I’m pretty sure it’s been more wonderful for me to have you around then vice versa, but I’m very happy that you’ve found something to enoy here. Hugs from Northen Estonia!

  2. 3

    What a trooper you are! 🙂
    Have a fabulous break, you deserve it after what Greece made you do 😉 i look forward to your posts, whenever they arrive 🙂

    • 4

      Thank you! And yes, I certainly feel like I deserve this. The first days have been lovely, the only issue is with the Inetrnet connection, as I’m in the middle of Northen Estonian forests – I’ve come to the tiny local cafe to respond to comments and e-mails.

  3. 5

    I’m so happy to hear about your holiday, sounds like you’ve earned it. I’ve found your posts beautiful, interesting, and thought provoking…….even the rants……maybe especially the rants! Would love to learn more about Estonia, should you feel so inclined. Will see you on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

    • 6

      Thank you so much! I’m very glad you’ve been enjoying the blog and the rants. I believe many posts during my holidays will at least have an Estonian angle, because… well, I’ll be in Estonia 🙂 And it’s fantastic to be on holiday.

    • 8

      Thank you! The Internet situation is a bit challenging, but otherwise I’m enjoying myself immensely and hope to get the posts up, too.

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