Jordan Samuel Skincare
May is not going to be a great month for blogging around here, as you may have already realised: it’s busy at work and it’ll only get worse; I’ve lost my iPad and this messes with my writing and posting big time (I have no computer at home) and my partner has been/will be travelling a lot, so I’m trying to be a decent mother and not spend all my time on the Internet.
I will do my best however, and post when and what I can, even if it’s somewhat random. This is one of those slightly random posts, inspired by my latest skincare purchase. These aren’t proper reviews, as I received the products only a few days ago, but I wanted to tell you about them now, when I’m excited and still have some time.
Jordan Samuel stuff has been on my list for around two years: the products are popular among those Instagrammers who prefer substance over style and both the man himself and the brand seem lovley (if you are interesed in the backstory and his principles, watch this sweet video with Caroline Hirons). I’ve always put off ordering because Jordan Samuel Skin is a US straight-to-consumer brand, so everything must be shipped from there and I’ve been afraid of the hassle and customs duties. I’m happy to report that when I finally went for it, everything arrived fast and I didn’t have to pay anything extra.
The line is small and tightly curated, I got about half of the offerings: The After Show Treatment Cleanser, Hydrate Facial Serum, Etoile with Retinol Treatment Oil and The Performance Cream (yes, the guy used to be a professional ballet dancer). It’s probably not going to surprise anyone when I say that I love the cleanser the most. It is, however, not just because I love cleansers, but because this one is great: an oil-based jelly, it has my preferred texture and works very well as both first and second cleanse. It reminds me of another recent favourite, the Origins jelly cleanser, but Jordan Samuel’s version has been around longer.
The Hydrate serum was – together with the cleanser – one of the first products in the line and has many fans among the Instagram skincare community. I personally prefer my hydrators more liquidy, but this really is a question of taste. This one certainly hydrates and sinks in quickly. The same cannot be said of the Performance Cream – for some reason, it really takes a while on my skin to sink in. Once it does, it’s lovely, though. The skin feels good and stays moisturised, plus the product is packed with peptides, the skincare ingredient du jour (the effect of that probably takes some time to emerge).
My least favourite of the bunch is the retinol oil. That is most likely not the fault of the product – we simply aren’t a great match. I’m not a huge fan of oils (there are exceptions and that’s why I ordered this) and I usually want my retinol products to have more power – the concentration here is quite low. If you DO like oils and don’t want or cannot use stronger retinoids, this might be exactly your thing.
In general, if you prefer smaller brands to big coroprations; want something that works but is gentle; is thoughtfully sourced but not anti-science; puts the money into the formula rather than marketing, Jordan Samuel could be a good option for you.
Greetings dear Annikky! Putting a comment here just to say hi – I’ve been offline for over two months (work and travelling and travelling-for-work madness) and it will continue for a while longer. Looking forward to catching up on all your posts at some stage this summer (it really feels like summer here). I have no idea what’s going on in the wider world (apart from politics). Sending you a fragrant hug – Atelier Cologne’s Cafe Tuberosa and Elizabeth and James Nirvana Rose are my latest favourites (they help the summer mood too).
Dear Eliza, thank you for dropping by! I have been almost as absent, with a month of horror at work. But it’s better now and I’m getting back to posting regularly again. And Cafe Tuberosa is lovely!!