What The Fuck Should I Do With A Bodysuit: Part 1

What The Fuck Should I Do With A Bodysuit: Part 1

The whole world is full of bodysuits at the moment (and by ‘the whole world’ I mean mostly Zara’s Women department), so it’s a fitting moment to take a look at this unfairly maligned item of clothing. Often, bodysuits are filed with harem pants and jumpsuits under the things only fashion victims wear. Which is stupid, as harem pants and jumpsuits are actually easy to wear and work for many body types.

Bodysuits can be a bit tricky at first, though. This is mostly for two reasons: people find them too uncomfortable and too revealing. The only solution to the first is to find a brand/model that fits you well. I can confirm the existence of bodysuits that are absolutely fine to wear. I personally prefer ones that have both the traditional closure down below and a wide neck that can also be used to escape, but you do you.

The issue of feeling too exposed in a bodysuit can be solved by either a) extreme body confidence (highly recommended!) or b) layering. My method is in fact a mixture of the two, as I try not to worry too much about looking perfect, but I still cover up the parts I don’t want everybody to see (the parts can vary). The point is that wearing a bodysuit will give you a beautiful line, more fitted than anything else. This is great both if you have a wonderful body you are eager to show off or you want to wear several things atop each other, as there will be no bunching up, awkward bits of excess fabric, creasing and the like.

An Angry Swimmer

It can still be a bit difficult to see how to wear one, especially if you associate bodysuits with aerobics and bikini waxes. I have therefore taken three Crystal Rabbit bodysuits* and photographed them in three different styles. Today’s version is the closest to the old aerobics cliché, but as you can see, I have cleverly eliminated the need for bikini waxing. This is one of the easiest ways to wear any bodysuit – you can substitute denim shorts for long jeans for a racier look or tone it down with a more modest top half. I have gone with a pretty sporty vibe on purpose, as athleisure is a huge trend at the moment and it’s not going anywhere. The fact that I’m looking like an East German swimmer (minus the muscles) in drag queen make-up is intentional and in this case a good thing (well, some muscles would be great). I would have worn my neon Nikes with this ensemble, if they had not been in Brussels and unattainable.

I admit that none of the looks I’ve put together are work appropriate, but that’s because everyone can pair a black roll-neck wool bodysuit and grey tweed trousers. I’m showing some less traditional takes to get your mind moving, even if your reaction is: “uuuggghhh, I’d never wear anything like this!” Because as a reaction, you might have an idea about something else you WOULD like to wear.

Bodysuit by Crystal Rabbit, jeans by Diesel, shoes by Sophia Webster; hair and make-up by Glow Beauty Studio; images by Lilian Merila.

* I own two and borrowed one for the shoot, as there wasn’t enough time to finish the third.

A Wistful Swimmer


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  1. 3

    Whoa you do indeed look super cool. I actually used to wear bodysuits (or leotards as I called them then) ALL the time as a late teens in the 90s – with jeans to school they looked and felt good (and body confidence isn’t an issue at that time). Apart from the escape issues I really like them for the whole looking super sleek vibe and ease of fit you mention, although I should caveat that by saying I haven’t actually put one on in well over a decade! Might have a go as I like the idea of looking that sleek again. Thanks for the prompt.

    Absolutely love the make up btw.

    • 4

      The makeup was pretty scary in real life – some major countouring -, but it does look good on photos. That’s why I’m reluctant to do my own makeup for the shoots: I’m pretty decent at it, but photo makeup is a different genre altogether. The lipstick is my own, btw, YSL Rouge Pur Couture in 58.

      And exactly, a bodysuit is sleeker than anything else and this can be a good look. Let me know if you find a good one!

    • 6

      No! It’s because the other two are yet to come. Sorry for having been confusing, but that’s why it says ‘part 1’ in the title and ‘today’s version’.

  2. 7

    I love bodysuits! Like SophieC, I used to wear them in my teens and I’m so happy they are back in stores. I think I might have to stock up for the next 20 years to be all set until the next come-back. I have a long body (or short legs, to put it in other terms) and most tops look cropped on me, so I feel much better wearing bodysuits. In that sense, I totally disagree with the assumptions of the article, since for me 1) bodysuits are more comfortable than regular tops, and 2) bodysuits are less revealing (no need to worry about too much skin or underwear showing when sitting down!) Thanks for the great post and looking forward to the photos of the other styles! 🙂

    • 8

      So glad that hard-core bodysuit fans are coming out of the woodwork! I don’t agree with these assumptions either, it all depends on one’s needs and style and what and how exactly one is wearing. But you know that. Part 2 is scheduled for next week ?

  3. 9

    I love your look!
    Like a couple others here, I used to wear bodysuits in my teens … but that was in the seventies and well, some things will remain in my past where I can retain fond memories and not depress myself (nor others) instead. 😉

    • 10

      Thank you, Holly! I completely understand that some things need to stay in the past… But I have a post coming up (not the bodysuit one, it’s just a coincidence) where I wear a black bodysuit under a long dress and I think it can be a good option for those who don’t want to wear a bodysuit the teenage way.

    • 12

      Thank you for commenting and for the compliment! This is a more extreme version of how I wear it daily, slicked back with about 500 liters of hair gel for that Linda Evangelista-inspired look.

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