Workwear Wednesday: The Summer Dress Edition
Many women find dressing for work especially challenging in summer. I’m not necessarily among them, but I see how one could feel like this. Especially in a more conservative environment, it can be difficult to strike the right balance between staying cool and looking professional.*
I do realise that I cannot offer a dress as a solution to all life’s problems. However, often it really DOES happen to be an excellent solution, summer office dressing being a case in point. More specifically, I suggest a white dress. I know, white dresses don’t have the greatest of reputations, as they are considered to be high maintenance and potentially too bridal, too beachy or too tacky. On the other hand, if you’re blessed with a hot summer, wearing a white dress has its clear advantages.
The obvious thing to do is to avoid things that look bridal, beachy or tacky. A somewhat structured silhouette goes a long way to address the beachiness issue and if you keep the length at least to the knee and the fit not too tight, tackiness shouldn’t be a problem either. You should be safe from being mistaken for a bride in a work dress, unless you opt for lace and flowers in your hair. If you’re like me and cannot keep your clothes looking neat and tidy, cream is a much better option than a blinding white.
The dress I’m wearing on the pictures is by H&M Studio and pretty close to my ideal summer office dress: off-white, knee-length, with a relatively relaxed fit and modest cut (considering my usual standards), but still cool enough for very warm days. I like that the fabric has an interesting texture that makes it less intimidating and potential stains less visible. Worn with kitten heels, it looks downright demure** (***): not a look I usually go for, but why not? I also own another white dress – and a matching coat – that is great for somewhat colder days and has already been featured on the blog.
How do you feel about summer, white dresses, workwear and different combinations of the three?
*Do spare a thought for poor men, though. It is one of those very few occasions under patriarchy where guys totally have drawn the short straw.
**As Stephen Fry notes in his Mythos, ‘demure’ is probably not a word most women want to be described by. However, if you are as far from demure as I am, looking the part can be kind of exciting.
***And maybe a tiny bit bridal? Definitely not tacky, though.
Dress by H&M Studio (it was sent to me by the brand after I had tried and failed to buy it myself), shoes by Dior, MUAH by Grete Madisson, pictures by Liina Jasmin.
A key accessory for me, regarding summer dresses in the office is trainers! A white dress and white trainers can possibly be a it tacky (all white always reminds me of some funny old guys as well), however with a light pink or cream sneaker, the bridal aspects can really be toned down.
Looking gorgeous, as always!
I completely agree, trainers are great for toning down things and grounding potentially overly romantic looks. And I personally think white trainers can work as well, but it of course depends on the specific outfit. Thanks for chiming in!
Ah, I love this look, and not just because I’m reading it while dressed in head to toe white myself! I’ve gone for bride-in-birkenstocks as a way of carrying off a long and ruffled white dress – white sandals seem to have freshened up my summer wardrobe nicely – and a low-slung tan leather satchel finished off the look. I love demure, but sometimes I take it too far and it crosses over into Frump or Costume. Not a great look. But I think white is far too good a colour to be kept solely for ceremonies, and in a heatwave it looks cool even when everyone is complaining about the heat/weeping about the World Cup results/howling about Brexit-Trump. Seriously, only classic fiction, ruffles, and a gallon of perfume are standing between me and total madness in England these days… Very happy too at having so many posts to catch up on, cheers Annikky!
So good to see you, Eliza! And exactly, why would one not wear white in the heat? it’s a no-brainer. Although I really love it in winter as well, I will one day own a beautiful white cashmere dress and this is a promise. In any case, I fully support your bride-in-birkenstocks look
Chipping in yet again to say YES to Piia’s comment on trainers ( have yet to to invest in my favoured red Adidas, but it’s just a matter of time after seeing Gareth Southgate. I am inspired – and I say that as an Irish person with the sad weight of England v Ireland history behind me) and just want to reinforce the point of your post last year about the colour red and how brilliant that is , and also, that trainers maketh the mood. My partner is a massive fan of Scotland’s Hibernian football team (it’s kinda crazy that I feel the need to defend his lifestyle choice here) and while football colours matter (a subject I will defend to the death), I also believe that that fashion colours matter too, and therefore I will be steering a course between red and green. Long may such options last in a glorious multicultural Europe
I wear trainers constantly these days, I get so much more walking done this way and thanks to fashion, it actually looks right as well. And I have a lovely Irish colleague with whom we work very closely and also watch/discuss football, so I fully understand where you are coming from
I do think Gareth deserves his popularity, though, history notwithstanding.
Oh Lord, I got very incoherent above in that comment, I apologise for posting paragraphs all over your blog
but yes, notwithstanding the weight of history sometimes we all just need to be nice to our neighbours. My solution: TWO new pairs of trainers so I have have one red and white foot, and one green and white.
London is looking brilliant at present – I hardly ever visit, but it is an engaging and fascinating place. I hope you get to visit soon, and have a wonderful time!
Deal Eliza, your comments always bring me so much joy, so please keep going. And they are not incoherent, just enthusiastic sometimes! Which I approve of, being a very enthusiastic person myself
I also approve of your solution