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Best of 2023: Fiction & Poetry

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Best of 2023: Fiction & Poetry

Posting my previous year’s favourite books in March must be some kind of a record. But as I shared my absolute faves already, doing the follow-ups by genre seemed less urgent. And then suddenly I was about three months late. Anyway, I have found these summaries very helpful for myself, when people ask for book recommendations or when I need to recall my favourites for any other reason. So I am doing this despite the ridiculousness of the timing.

Best of 2023: Science Fiction and Fantasy

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Best of 2023: Science Fiction and Fantasy

2023 was a very enjoyable SFF reading year to me, with almost exactly half of the 166 books I read being either science fiction or fantasy or both. And most of them were good. That said, compared to previous years, I didn’t find any new favourites of the same caliber as The Broken Earth Trilogy or Arkady Martine’s Teixcalaan books. There are also some strange absences: I started two of the Sanderson secret projects, but didn’t finish them, despite liking both Tress of the Emerald Sea and Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. I also didn’t read the latest Murderbot, as I was advised to do a Network Effect reread before I tackle System Collapse*. All three are very much on the top of my list for this year.**

Best Books of 2023

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Best Books of 2023

2023 was a somewhat strange reading year for me – definitely not bad, with 166 books* finished, about 40 000 pages read and some branching out in terms of genre accomplished. But while I read many good books last year, there were perhaps fewer absolute highs than I have had in the past. I was also rather inconsistent: August and December were great with 26 and 23 books respectively (these tend to be my best months every year, simply because I have more free time due to holidays). And then there were weeks when I read only alien romance, as my brain was too exhausted from the translation work I was doing on top of my actual work to focus on anything more demanding.

End of Summer Memo

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End of Summer Memo

I was planning to do an Early Autumn Memo for my re-entry into blogosphere, but it’s so warm in Brussels (up to 31 degrees expected in the coming week) that I cannot bring myself to talk about autumny stuff at the moment. Which is, in a way, good news, as I have quite a few things to share from this summer, and as they aren’t necessarily summer-specific, they may still be of use to you. So I am going to get them off my chest in this post, leaving all the talk of chocolate-coloured suede and plush perfumes for the next memo.

Best of 2021: Science Fiction & Fantasy

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Best of 2021: Science Fiction & Fantasy

I didn’t do a separate ‘best of SFF’ post for 2020 and now I regret it, as I don’t have a good reference point for my favourites and I feel like I haven’t praised them enough. I also keep getting confused about when I read what and the pandemic obviously doesn’t help with trying to sort this out. In case you are interested, there is a list of some things in I read in 2020 the end of this post – it’s not ideal, but it’s something.

Best of 2021: Non-Fiction

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Best of 2021: Non-Fiction

2021 was a stellar non-fiction year for me. I read almost 70 books in this category, which made this list very difficult to put together. Even after setting aside my absolute top favourites that I have already covered, I ended up with more than 15 books I wanted to highlight. I could of course have steeled myself and whittled the list down to 10 or something else more manageable, but as I didn’t do regular monthly round-ups last year, I prefer to include more books rather than less.

2021. aasta parimad: eestikeelne kirjandus

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2021. aasta parimad: eestikeelne kirjandus

[As you can probably tell, this is a post for my Estonian-speaking readers. I will follow up with something more widely accessible in the coming days.]

Eks ole üldiselt teada, et 1) varakal vallalisel mehel tingimata naist on vaja ja 2) Annikky loeb liiga vähe eestikeelset kirjandust. Eelmine aasta oli ses osas siiski pisut parem kui viimane dekaad üldiselt: loetu pealt saab kümne parima edetabeli ilusti kokku panna ja täitsa mitu teost jääb veel ülegi. Niisiis, rahva tungival nõudmisel (ehk siis umbes kaks inimest on küsinud) on allpool minu eelmisel aastal loetud eestikeelsed lemmikraamatud, suvalises järjekorras.